CPUC General Orders
General Orders translated into other languages
General Order |
Effective |
Description |
Reports of accidents on railroads |
Supersedes General Order 24-B (effective July 1, 1964). General Order 24-C became effective on August 27, 2012. Revisions to General Order 24 include: 1) the filing of a General Order 24 report on a quarterly instead of a monthly basis for the first year of the Financing Rule. Commencing in the second year, reports will be filed semi-annually (June and December); 2) revisions to the type of information provided in such reports; 3) elimination of requirement that a utility maintain a separate bank account to record money derived from the sale of securities, except where the Commission specifically designates what the proceeds can be used for, or in instances where the loan will be repaid by surcharge; and 4) an updated list of information required in the report, given the manner in which securities transactions are now recorded by utilities as required by other regulatory entities. |
Clearances on railroads and street railroads as to side and overhead structures, parallel tracks and crossings |
Filing and posting of railroad timetables and changes |
Preservation of records of public utilities and common carriers |
Railroad station bulletin boards and keeping passenger stations open |
Construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of interlocking plants of railroads |
Establishment or abolition of railroad agencies, sidings, spurs and other facilities, and curtailment of agency service |
Refunding of notes |
Filing of plans for construction of public utility dams |
Construction and operation of power and communication lines for the prevention or mitigation of inductive interference |
Standards of gas service |
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Standards of calorimetry for gaseous fuels |
Filing of monthly financial and operating report |
Procedures for obtaining information and records in the possession of the Commission and its employees and Commission policy orders thereon General Order 66-D was last amended by D.20-08-031 (see Attachment 1 for the latest version of the General Order) |
Easements on property of public utilities |
Standard types of pavement construction at railroad grade crossings |
Regulations Governing Standards for Warning Devices for At-Grade Highway-Rail Crossings |
Filing of data on compensation, dues, donations, subscriptions, contributions and legal fees |
Construction and filing of tariffs issued by highway common carriers, petroleum irregular route carriers, freight forwarders and express corporations (except air express companies and air freight forwarders). This GO has been preempted in part, or no longer applies to some carriers. Please refer to PUC Resolution TEA-2 and TEA-4 when interpreting it. |
Handling, and accounting for C.O.D. shipments by express corporations, freight forwarders, highway carriers, passenger stage corporations and household goods carriers. This GO has been preempted in part, or no longer applies to some carriers. Please refer to PUC Resolution TEA-2 and TEA-4 when interpreting it. |
Issuance of free or reduced rate transportation and recording of passes. This GO has been preempted in part, or no longer applies to some carriers. Please refer to PUC Resolution TEA-2 and TEA-4 when interpreting it. |
Filing and posting of time tables and changes therein by ferries and vessels |
Rules for Altering Public Highway-Rail Crossings |
Design, construction, operation, maintenance and inspection of gas holders and liquid hydrocarbon vessels |
Overhead electric line construction. Revised on December 19, 2024, by Resolution ESRB-12 Check here for historical information. |
Rules for filing and publishing tariffs for gas, electric, telephone, telegraph, water and heat utilities. |
Protection against liability required for all highway carriers, freight forwarders, household goods carriers and exempt I.C.C. carriers |
Protection against liability required for all passenger stage corporations |
Bonding requirements in connection with subhauling or leasing of equipment from an employee. This GO has been preempted in part, or no longer applies to some carriers. Please refer to PUC Resolution TEA-2 and TEA-4 when interpreting it. |
Water service including minimum standards for design and construction |
Filing of annual reports by public utilities |
The form and filing of tariffs issued by air transportation companies Repealed Pursuant to D.15-08-034, August 27, 2015 |
Chemical-type toilet facilities in railroad cabooses Repealed Pursuant to D.15-08-034, August 27, 2015 |
Privacy of telephone communications |
Filing of railroad operating department rules |
Tariff changes under special tariff docket for common carriers, air transportation companies, warehousemen and wharfingers |
Radio communications in railroad operations |
Protection against liability required for all vessel common carriers |
Design, construction, testing, maintenance and operation of utility gas gathering, transmission and distribution piping systems. |
Petitions for suspension and investigation of tariffs and schedules of common carriers, air transportation companies, warehousemen and wharfingers. This GO has been preempted in part, or no longer applies to some carriers. Please refer to PUC Resolution TEA-2 and TEA-4 when interpreting it. |
Minimum safety, health and comfort requirements for railroad cabooses |
Protection against liability required for all charter-party carriers of passengers |
Construction and filing of tariffs issued by vessel carriers, pipeline corporations, toll bridge corporations, wharfingers and common carriers other than railroads and other than those governed by General Order No. 79 or No. 80-A |
Construction, reconstruction and maintenance of walkways and control, of vegetation adjacent to railroad tracks. |
Construction and filing of passenger tariffs issued by railroads |
Protection against liability required for all commercial air operators and passenger air carriers. D84-09-088 (amends G.O. 120C). D84-12-001 (corrects clerical errors of D84-09-088). D85-03-038 (grands limited rehearing of D84-09-088) |
Protection against liability required for all for-hire vessel operators |
Public inspection of tariff schedules of common carriers. This GO has been preempted in part, or no longer applies to some carriers. Please refer to PUC Resolution TEA-2 and TEA-4 when interpreting it. |
Filing of annual reports by permit carriers |
Filing of annual reports by household goods carriers |
Construction and filing of freight tariffs and classifications issued by railroads |
Contents of first-aid kits provided by railroads |
Maintenance and operation of automatic train control systems-rapid transit systems |
Construction of underground electric supply and communication systems. Check here for historical information. |
Leasing of motor vehicles |
Permitting and construction of electric transmission and generation infrastructure. Adopted pursuant to D.25-01-055, superseding GO 131-D effective January 30, 2025. |
Filing of rate quotation statements for transportation by common carriers for state, county or municipal governments. This GO has been preempted in part, or no longer applies to some carriers. Please refer to PUC Resolution TEA-2 and TEA-4 when interpreting it. |
Rules Governing Telecommunications Services (Service Quality) |
The occupancy of public grade crossings by railroads |
Rules and regulations for household goods carriers on cargo insurance, and loss and damage of used household goods and related property during course of transportation or storage in transit. |
Connection of customer-provided equipment to telephone company systems |
Handling of claims for loss or damage of property filed with express corporations, freight forwarders, highway carriers, household goods carriers and passenger stage corporations |
Transportation and accessorial services (including storage-in-transit) of used household goods as described in MRT 4-B and performed by household goods carriers |
Design, construction and operation of light rail transit systems (html format) |
Denied boarding compensation for passengers holding confirmed reservations and meeting carriers' check-in requirements Repealed Pursuant to D.15-08-034, August 27, 2015 |
Railroad crossings to be classified exempt from the mandatory stop requirements of Section 22452 of the Vehicle Code |
Rules implementing compensated intercorporate hauling exemption for highway carriers of property |
Rules and regulations governing tariff filings by common carriers and contract filings by contract carriers under the transition period of the commission's deregulation program |
Rules governing the processing, investigation, and disposition of overcharge or duplicate payment claims by common carriers |
Rules Governing Private Line Alarm Service |
Procedure for Administration of the Moore Universal Telephone Service Act. Revised Pursuant to D.21-09-023, September 23, 2021. |
Rules Governing the Organization and operation of Rate Bureaus and their Common Carrier Member Engaged in Collective Ratemaking. This GO has been preempted in part, or no longer applies to some carriers. Please refer to PUC Resolution TEA-2 and TEA-4 when interpreting it. |
Rules Governing Issuance of Documentation and Collection of Charges by Highway Carriers |
Rules Governing the Development of Programs to Increase Participation of Women, Minority, Disabled Veteran and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Business Enterprises in Procurement of Contracts from Utilities as Required by Public Utilities Code Sections 8281-8286 |
Operations of charter-party carriers of passengers, including Transportation Network Companies (TNCs). |
Operations of passenger stage corporations and the construction and filing of tariff and timetables |
Construction of cellular radiotelephone facilities in California |
Rules and regulation pertaining to private carriers of passengers, as defined by Public Utilities Code Section 4001, and organizations that provide transportation services incidental to operation of a youth camp which are required to register as private carriers pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 5353(n)(2)(A). |
Transportation of hazardous materials by rail |
Regulations for the procurement of professional service firms. D0112010 adopts the revisions of G.O. 163. |
Rules and Regulations Governing State Safety Oversight of Rail and other Fixed Guideway Systems – Adopted January 16, 2025. Effective January 16, 2025. |
Inspection cycles for electric distribution facilities. D.97-03-070 (adopts G.O. 165). Revised 12/14/2017 (D.17-12-024). Check here for historical information. |
Rulemaking for electric distribution facility standard setting D.98-07-097 (adopted G.O. 166). Revised: 5/20/21 (D.21-05-019). Utilities should refer to the most recent version of Guidelines for Notification of the CPUC Energy Division of Electric Emergencies for instructions regarding reporting of 6 levels of electric service outage emergencies. |
Enforcement of Maintenance and Operation Standards for Electric Generating Facilities. |
Consumer Bill of Rights Governing Telecommunications Services. Market Rules to Empower Telecommunications Consumers and to Prevent Fraud. |
Implementing the Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006 (DIVCA) |
Rules Governing Filings Made Pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996 |
Rules And Regulations Governing The Use Of Personal Electronic Devices By Employees Of Rail Transit Agencies And Rail Fixed Guideway Systems |
Regarding advice letter approval of certain transfers of interests in utility property pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 851 |
Rules for Electric Utility Substations Check here for historical information. |
Rules and Regulations Governing Roadway Worker Protection provided by Rail Transit Agencies and Rail fixed Guideway Systems | ||
Rules for Overhead 25 kV Railroad Electrification Systems for a High-Speed Rail System | ||
177 | 177 | Planning and construction review for certain gas system infrastructure |