Deputy Executive Director, Consumer Policy, Transportation, and Enforcement

S. Pat Tsen, Deputy Executive Director - Consumer Policy, Transportation, and Enforcement
S. Pat Tsen was named the CPUC's Deputy Executive Director - Consumer Policy, Transportation, and Enforcement, effective September 15, 2022. Pat joined the CPUC as an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in 2013, then served as an Assistant Chief ALJ from 2018 to 2022. In these roles, she managed proceedings and drafted proposed decisions which set rates, implemented state policy goals, ensured public safety, and adjudicated customer complaints in the communications, energy, transportation, and water industries. Before joining the CPUC, she was a Senior Corporations Counsel for the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation and reviewed securities offerings and merger/acquisition transactions of California companies. She is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley and McGeorge School of Law.
The Consumer Protection and Enforcement Division (CPED) protects consumer interests in many ways. CPED provides technical and advisory support to Commissioners and their offices, and Administrative Law judges in developing transportation policy related to passenger carrier services, including Transportation Network Companies and Autonomous Vehicles passenger services. CPED staff drafts resolutions for Commission consideration to implement various transportation programs. Operationally, CPED reviews applications for issuance/modification of transportation licenses; enforces rules and regulations for transportation carriers; issues citations pursuant to CPUC’s various citation programs; and investigates allegations of utility waste, fraud and abuse based on referral from other divisions.
Rail Safety Division (RSD) ensures rail safety in California for rail workers, rail customers, consumers and the public through inspection and enforcement of federal and state regulations for rail. The CPUC has exclusive jurisdiction over all rail crossings in California. RSD engineers evaluate the safety of rail crossings and review proposed construction or modification. RSD inspectors are federally certified to ensure that railroads comply with both federal and state railroad safety regulations. The CPUC has safety and security regulatory authority over all rail transit agencies in California and works in cooperation with the Federal Transit Administration and the transit agencies to enhance public safety and security. RSD also provides technical and advisory support in emerging transportation technologies with a rail component, including High Speed Rail, and autonomous vehicles operating around railways.
- Request a meeting with Deputy Executive Director Tsen (document to come)
- Request Deputy Executive Director Tsen to speak or attend your event (document to come)