
19-04-013 - This decision addresses the remaining issues in Phase 3 of this proceeding regarding program design, implementation, and administration of the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF). This decision makes changes and other refinements to clarify program aspects for both carriers and CTF program participant.

18-01-066 - Addresses implementation issues and documentation requirements for the three-year eligibility verification process adopted in Decision 15-07-007 for community-based organizations (CBOs) participating in the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) program.

16-04-021 - This decision modifies Decision (D.) 15-07-007, which resolved Phase 1 and Phase 2 issues in Rulemaking (R.) 13-01-010, the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) Rulemaking. Specifically, this decision sets a deadline for carriers to implement a cap for E-rate schools based on the federal E-rate discount, sets the effective date of the cap, and specifies how the cap applies to voice services. This decision also resolves the Phase 3 issue regarding the process for eligible schools, libraries, government-owned and operated health care facilities, and Critical Access Hospitals in unserved or underserved areas to seek exemption from reduced support for voice services. This decision determines that community-based organizations (CBOs) and community colleges should also be eligible for the exemption.

15-07-007 - Resolves the Phase 1 and 2 rulemaking issues for the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) program by adopting restated program goals and a number of program design reform measures.

08-06-020 - Changes to the CTF include: (1) an expansion of CTF-eligible services, (2) the removal of CTF tariff requirements for all carriers that provide CTF-eligible services on a detariffed or non-regulated basis, and (3) the inclusion of California’s Community Colleges, California Telehealth Network participants and non-profit CBOs providing 2-1-1 Information and Referral Services in the CTF program.

02-05-056 - It has come to the Commission’s attention that Decision (D.) 02-04-059 contains inadvertent clerical errors and omissions. This Decision amends those issues.

02-04-059 - This decision resolves issues deferred by the September 20, 2001 interim opinion which, in compliance with recent statutory enactments, approved new, interim charters for the telecommunications advisory boards subject to this proceeding and adopted a necessary, related amendment to the Commission’s General Order 153.

96-10-066 - This decision finalizes the universal service rules that were originally proposed in Decision (D.) 95-07-050.This decision addresses both the written comments and the evidence presented during the evidentiary hearings, as well as the comments that were filed in response to the issuance of the August 5, 1996 proposed decision.


T-17666 - This Resolution modifies the due date and time limit for telecommunications carriers to submit claims for reimbursement from the California Teleconnect Fund. The due date and time limit for carriers to submit claims for reimbursement shall be 60 days from the end of the month for claims submitted for March-2020 and thereafter. This modification aligns California Teleconnect Fund rules with that of other public purpose programs, reduces the administrative burden on staff, and allows the program to better track and project expenditures for oversight and budgeting purposes.

T-17606 - This resolution adopts a California Teleconnect Fund program surcharge rate of 0.78%, effective September 1, 2018, until further revised by the California Public Utilities Commission. All telecommunications carriers shall reduce the California Teleconnect Fund surcharge rate assessed on revenues collected from end-users for intrastate telecommunications services subject to surcharge from 1.08% to 0.78% effective September 1, 2018, and thereafter.

T-17442 - This resolution adopts a revised California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) program surcharge rate of 0.93% effective October 1, 2014, until further revised by the California Public Utilities Commission. The current CTF surcharge rate is 0.59%. All telephone corporations and interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service providers shall apply this new CTF surcharge rate on revenues collected from end-users for intrastate telecommunications services subject to surcharge effective October 1, 2014 and thereafter.

T-17375 - This resolution adopts a revised California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) program surcharge rate of 0.59% effective December 1, 2012, until further revised by the Commission. All telecommunications carriers shall assess a CTF surcharge rate of 0.59% on all revenues collected from end users for intrastate telecommunications services subject to surcharge on December 1, 2012 and thereafter.

T-17314 - Policy that first deducts the Federal Communications Commission's program support or discount from the total CTF service charges incurred by qualifying rural health care providers (RHCPs) and non-profit community based organizations (CBOs) offering Head Start programs before computing the 50 percent CTF discount on the remaining amount.

T-17142 - This resolution reduces the CTF surcharge rate from 0.130% to 0.079% effective June 1, 2008 until further revised by the Commission. All certificated communications carriers shall assess the revised CTF surcharge rate of 0.079% on their end-user’s bills rendered for intrastate telecommunications services on June 1, 2008, and thereafter.

T-17104 - This resolution adopts the following budget for the California Teleconnect Fund Administrative Committee (CTF-AC): $33,202,000 for fiscal year (FY) 2008-09.

T-16763 - All Competitive and Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers. Revision of the Time Allowed to File California Teleconnect Fund Claims, Changes in Claim Filing Requirements, Clarification of Program Rules, Incorporation of Program Rules into a Comprehensive Guide, Rules Related to the Application of Federal E-Rate Discounts to Carrier Claims and Elimination of Amended Claims.

T-16742 - This resolution is issued to implement portions of Senate Bill (SB) 1863 (Stats. 202, Ch. 308) intended to focus efforts on providing educational institutions, health care institutions, community-based organizations and governmental institutions with access to advanced telecommunications services in recognition of their economic and societal impact.

This resolution is also issued pursuant to Commission Decision (D.) 02-10-060, which directed the Telecommunications Division (TD) to prepare a resolution implementing certain changes to the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) program rules. The CTF rules currently provide different types and quantities of services at varying discount levels to schools and libraries, qualifying health care institutions and community-based organizations (CBOs). The changes to the CTF program rules adopted in this resolution will allow all qualifying entities to receive the same quantities and types of services at the same discount levels. Among the services available to participating entities, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) service is specifically named as a service eligible for CTF funding.

This resolution streamlines the CTF application for all participants, reflecting changes to the program qualifying requirements and application process pursuant to the provisions of D.02-10-060, and implementation of SB 1863. In addition, this resolution adds hospital district owned hospitals to the list of health care institutions eligible to participate in the program. Finally, this resolution adopts a reporting requirement for carriers to file estimates of program expenses associated with reimbursements for CTF discounts for future periods.

T-16381 - This Resolution adopts the California Teleconnect Fund program’s claim reporting requirements for telecommunications carriers seeking reimbursement for discounts given to qualified schools and libraries, government owned and operated hospitals and health clinics, and community-based organizations offering health care, job training, job placement, or educational instruction. The claim reporting requirements adopted herein apply to monthly claims from January 1998 through June 1999 and modified rules for claims beginning July 1999.

T-16330 - This Resolution adopts the 1997 claim reporting requirements for telecommunications carriers seeking reimbursement from the California Teleconnect Fund Program for discounts given to qualified schools and libraries, government owned and operated hospitals and health clinics, and community-based organizations offering health care, job training, job placement, or educational instruction.

T-16319 - This Resolution adopts the claim reporting requirements for telecommunications carriers seeking reimbursement from the California Teleconnect Fund Program for discounts given to qualified schools and libraries, government owned and operated hospitals and health clinics, and community-based organizations offering health care, job training, job placement, or educational instruction. The California Teleconnect Fund claim reporting requirements adopted in this Resolution apply to monthly claims beginning October 1999 and thereafter.

T-17848 - This resolution modifies the categories of advanced communication services that are eligible for the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) program discount to incorporate mobile broadband services, which includes but is not limited to, advanced communication services via Wi-Fi Hotspots and portable satellite devices. Expanding the list of technologies eligible for the CTF discount will align the program with the recent changes Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Eligible Services List for the schools and libraries’ universal support mechanism (also known as the E-Rate program). 

Additionally, in response to the FCC’s Wi-Fi Hotspot Report and Order, the CTF program will modify the eligibility criteria for community-based organizations by removing the carrier letter requirement to prove the unavailability of fixed broadband. This change allows for additional flexibility in choosing cost-effective mobile broadband services. Further, the CTF program will permit healthcare community-based organizations to include telemedicine services, with the goal to reach individuals in rural and urban low-income areas. Finally, we delegate CD staff authority to make discrete revisions to the CTF eligible services list following any subsequent changes to the FCC E-Rate program. These updates are designed to expand digital access, bridge the digital divide, and enable flexibility to ensure the availability of broadband services where it is most needed.