Procedure for Requesting Reinstatement from Voluntary Suspension
May 07, 2020 -
Transportation carriers can request reinstatement from Voluntary Suspension by filing a signed Request for Reinstatement of Suspended Authorities form (TL 528) with the Licensing Section of the Public Utilities Commission. Carriers can email the form to the Commission at The TL 528 form can be found at: Link.
- The carrier notifies his/her insurance broker/insurance company and obtains an active insurance policy for their operating authority. The carrier instructs his/her insurance broker/insurance company to electronically file (e-file) evidence of this active insurance policy for their operating authority with the Commission via the Commission’s Insurance E-File System.
- The carrier receives confirmation from his/her insurance broker/insurance company that the evidence of insurance has been e-filed. The carrier then submits the Request for Reinstatement of Suspended Authorities form (TL 528) to Licensing by email to:
- Licensing will review the form and ensure that evidence of insurance has been e-filed, ensure PUCTRA fees have been paid, status with Secretary of State is Active, and that there are no other permit deficiencies. If everything is complete and correct, Licensing will reinstate the operating authority’s status to Active.