Clean Miles Standard Data Reporting
This page provides information on the data reports required to be submitted by Clean Miles Standard (CMS) Regulated Entities pursuant to Commission Decision D.24-03-001.
CMS Regulated Entities shall follow the process provided below.
- Unless otherwise stated, all reports must be submitted to via the CPUC's secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) at If you are a new user, click on "Create account" link to create a new account.
- CMS Regulated Entities must follow the guidance in the data dictionary and templates below for reporting data.
- CMS Regulated Entities must transmit reports in comma separated value (csv) format for data reports and PDF format for narrative reports.
CMS Quarterly Reports
CMS Regulated Entities must submit these quarterly data reports by the 30th day after the end of each calendar quarter. Quarterly Reports should be provided in the format shown in the data dictionary and templates below. Files were updated on June 10, 2024.
- CMS Quarterly Reporting Data Dictionary Reference
- CMS Quarterly Reports Templates:
CMS Annual Reports
CMS Regulated Entities must submit these annual data reports by the 30th day after the end of each calendar year. Annual Reports should be provided in the exact format shown in the data dictionary and templates below. Files were updated on January 28, 2025.
- CMS Annual Reports Templates
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