The CPUC issues Notice of Probable Violations (NOPVs) resulting from incidents or audits/inspections. This page specifically contains NOPVs that did not result in a citation penalty beginning with NOPVs closed in 2020. For NOPVs prior to 2020, please submit a Public Records Act (PRA) Request

Incident/Inspection Date Date NOPV Closed/Resolved Utility/Operator Probable Code Violation(s) Brief Description SED NOPV Letter Utility Response (if applicable) SED NOPV Closure Letter (if applicable)
8/29/2022 5/8/2024 PG&E
49 CFR §§192.603(a), 192.605(a), 192.619(a), & 192.13(c)
Overpressure condition.   G20220829-3421 G20220829-3421 PG&E  G20220829-3421 SED
3/16/23  5/8/2024 PG&E  
49 CFR §192.605(a)
Overpressure condition.   G20230316-3510  G20230316-3510 PG&E  G20230316-3510 SED 
12/15/2023 3/7/2024  SoCalGas  49 CFR §§192.605(a) & 192.614(c)(5)  SoCalGas contractor did not locate and mark prior to excavation.  ConstD-20231215-58-1  ConstD-20231215-58-1 SoCalGas ConstD-20231215-58-1 SED 
1/29/2022  2/26/2024 PG&E  49 CFR §§192.605(a), 192.605(b)(3), 192.740(b), & PU Code §451  Overpressure condition.   G20220129-3330  G20220129-3330 PG&E  G20220129-3330 SED 
11/29/2021  2/9/2024 SDG&E 49 CFR §§192.605(a) & 192.614(c)(5)
Third party excavator struck SDG&E's 2-inch plastic main.  G20211129-3300  G20211129-3300 SDG&E  G20211129-3300 SED 
11/13/2015  1/22/2024 PG&E 49 CFR §192.605(a)  Third party excavator struck PG&E's transmission line.  G20151113-01  G20151113-01 PG&E  G20151113-01 SED 
2/17/2023 1/8/2024 SoCalGas 49 CFR §192.605(a) Under pressure condition. G20230217-3497 G20230217-3497 SoCalGas G20230217-3497 SED
10/21/2022 10/26/2023 SWG 49 CFR §192.605(b)(3) Under pressure condition. G20211021-3449  G20211021-3449 SWG  G20211021-3449 SED 
12/20/2022 10/26/2023 SWG 49 CFR §192.13(c) Under pressure condition. G20221220-3470 G20221220-3470 SWG  G20221220-3470 SED 
 8/1/2022 10/13/2023 SDG&E 49 CFR §§192.603(b), 192.605(b)(3), 192.614(c)(3), & 192.723(b)(1) Third party contractor struck SDG&E's 3/4-inch steel gas service stub. G20220801-3413 G20220801-3413 SDG&E G20220801-3413 SED
11/10/2022 10/13/2023 SDG&E 49 CFR §192.605(a) SDG&E's crew damaged a 2-inch steel gas main while cutting a concrete pavement. G20221110-3455 G20221110-3455 SDG&E G20221110-3455 SED
1/18/2023 10/13/2023 SDG&E 49 CFR §192.605(a) Under pressure condition.  G20230118-3484 G20230118-3484 SDG&E G20230118-3484 SED 
8/6/2021 8/9/2023 SoCalGas 49 CFR §192.739(a) Overpressure condition.  G20210806-3251  G20210806-3251 SoCalGas  G20210806-3251 SED 
4/5/2023 7/5/2023 SWG 49 CFR §§192.605(a), 192.603(b)(3), & GO 112-F 122.2(b)(2)  Service interruption due to service line isolation. G20211213-3146 G20211213-3146 SWG  G20211213-3146 SED
9/23/2021  6/27/2023  SoCalGas  49 CFR §192.614(c)(5) Third party excavator struck SoCalGas' 4-inch steel main.  G20210923-3273  G20210923-3273 SoCalGas  G20210923-3273 SED 
10/15/2022 5/22/2023 SDG&E 49 CFR §192.353(a)  Vehicle struck meter set assembly. G20221015-3363  G20221015-3363 SDG&E  G20221015-3363 SED 
9/1/2022 3/10/2023 PG&E  49 CFR §192.605(a)  Overpressure condition.  G20220901-3422  G20220901-3422 PG&E  G20220901-3422 SED 
12/17/21 11/17/2022 PG&E GO 112-F 112.2(b)(1) Overpressure condition.   G20211217-3308  G20211217-3308 PG&E  G20211217-3308 SED 
2/24/2022 11/17/2022 PG&E  49 CFR §192.605(a) Under pressure condition.  G20220224-3341  G20220224-3341 PG&E  G20220224-3341 SED 
3/18/2022  11/17/2022 PG&E 49 CFR §192.605(a) Overpressure condition.   G20220318-3358  G20220318-3358 PG&E  G20220318-3358 SED 
9/9/2021  11/10/2022 SDG&E 49 CFR §192.605(b)(3)  SDG&E regulator station malfunctioned.  G20210909-3264  G20210909-3264 SDG&E G20210909-3264 SED 
4/6/2022  11/10/2022  SDG&E  49 CFR §§192.605(b)(3) & 192.614(c)(5)  Third party contractor struck SDG&E 1/2-inch plastic service.  G20220406-3363  G20220406-3363 SDG&E  G20220406-3363 SED 
3/25/2022 9/8/2022  SoCalGas  49 CFR §192.614(c)(5)  Third party excavator struck SoCalGas' 2-inch plastic main.  G20220325-3361  G20220325-3361 SoCalGas  G20220325-3361 SED 
2/8/2022  9/8/2022  SoCalGas  49 CFR §192.614(c)(5)  Third party excavator struck SoCalGas' 2-inch steel main.  G20220208-3337  G20220208-3337 SoCalGas  G20220208-3337 SED 
4/28/2022  8/8/2022  SDG&E  49 CFR §192.614(c)(5)  Third party contractor struck SDG&E 0.75-inch steel gas stub.  G20220428-3374  G20220428-3374 SDG&E  G20220428-3374 SED 
8/25/2021 7/7/2022 PG&E 49 CFR §§192.605(b)(3) & 192.614(c)(5)  Third party excavator struck PG&E's 3-inch main. G20210825-3258  G20210825-3258 PG&E  G20210825-3258 SED 
7/14/2021 5/9/2022 SoCalGas 49 CFR §§192.605(a) & 192.614(c)(5) Third party excavator struck SoCalGas' 2-inch plastic main.  G20210714-3240 G20210714-3240 SoCalGas  G20210714-3240 SED 
4/13/2021 10/11/2021 SWG 49 CFR §192.605(a) SWG not confirming feed location. G20210413-3207 G20210413-3207 SWG G20210413-3207 SED
12/15/2020 10/11/2021 SWG 49 CFR §192.605(b)(3) SWG not placing the service on the construction plans provided to its contractor. G20201215-3159 G20201215-3159 SWG G20201215-3159 SED
11/21/2020 10/11/2021 SWG 49 CFR §192.605(a) SWG's contractor failing to follow procedures in purging service line. G20201121-3147 G20201121-3147 SWG G20201121-3147 SED
11/20/2020 10/11/2021 SWG GO 112-F §122.2(b)(1) SWG's 2-inch PE EFV malfunction. G20201120-3146 G20201120-3146 SWG G20201120-3146 SED
5/5/2021 10/7/2021 SoCalGas 49 CFR §192.604(c)(5) and §192.605(a) Third party contractor struck SoCalGas' 1/2-inch PE lateral tee. G20210505-3216 G20210505-3216 SoCalGas G20210505-3216 SED
9/29/2020 10/7/2021 SoCalGas GO 112-F, §122.2(b)(1) Third party contractor struck SoCalGas' 3-inch steel gas main. G20200929-3217 G20200929-3217 SoCalGas G20200929-3217 SED
3/29/2021 10/7/2021 SDG&E 49 CFR §192.605(a) SDG&E crew struck SDG&E's 3/4-inch steel service. G20210329-3198 G20210329-3198 SDG&E G20210329-3198 SED
3/5/2021 10/7/2021 SDG&E 49 CFR §192.605(a) and
SDG&E contractor struck SDG&E's 1-inch steel drip line. G20210305-3182 G20210305-3182 SDG&E G20210305-3182 SED
2/3/2020 5/20/2021 SoCalGas 49 CFR, Part 192, §192.614(c)(5) Third party contractor struck SoCalGas' 6-inch plastic gas main. G20200203-2998 G20200203-2998 SoCalGas G20200203-2998 SED
1/13/2020 5/20/2021 SoCalGas 49 CFR, Part 192, §192.605(a) Under pressure condition. G20200113-2975  G20200113-2975 SoCalGas G20200113-2975 SED
11/10/2020 5/18/2021 SDG&E 49 CFR §192.614(c)(5) Third party contractor struck SDG&E's 1.5-inch steel gas main. G20201110-3141 G20201110-3141 SDG&E G20201110-3141 SED
8/4/2020 5/6/2021 PG&E 49 CFR §192.201(a)(2)(i)   Overpressure condition. G20200804-3102 G20200804-3102 PG&E G20200804-3102 SED
3/6/2020 2/3/2021 PG&E 49 CFR §192.605(a)   Overpressure condition.
G20200306-3011 G20200306-3011 PG&E G20200306-3011 SED
10/1/2017  5/18/2020  SoCalGas  49 CFR §§192.605(a), 192.615(a)(6), 192.465(d), & PU Code §451  Transmission pipeline rupture.  G20171001-2367  G20171001-2367 SoCalGas  G20171001-2367 SED 
8/22/2019 4/13/2020 SDG&E 49 CFR §192.605, GO 112-F A third-party contractor damaged a 4 inch steel gas line resulting in a natural gas release. G20190822-2888 G20190822-2888_SDG G20190822-2888_SED
11/11/2019  4/1/2020  SoCalGas  49 CFR §192.614, GO 112-F  A third-party contractor damaged a 4 inch steel gas main.  G20191111-2948  G20191111-2948_SCG  G20191111-2948_SED 
9/28/2018 1/14/2020 SWG 49 CFR §192.605, GO 112-F A SWG contractor performed an incorrect operation during a gas main replacement which resulted in an outage. G20180928-2682 G20180928-2682_SWG G20180928-2682_SED
2/1/2018 1/14/2020 SDG&E 49 CFR §192.614, CGC 4216.3 A third-party contractor struck an unmarked 1.25 inch plastic service while directional boring. G20180202-2490 G20180202-2490_SED G20180202-2490_SED
4/28/2018 1/14/2020 SDG&E 49 CFR §192.605, 192.353 A vehicle struck a meter sert assembly resulting in a gas release and interruption of service. G20180428-2537 G20180428-2537_SDG G20180428-2537_SED
1/3/2018 1/14/2020 SoCalGas 49 CFR §192.614, CGC 4216.3 A third-party contractor struck a 2 inch plastic gas main which resulted in odor complaints. G20180103-2471    
4/9/2018 1/14/2020 SoCalGas 49 CFR §192.614, CGC 4216.3 The City of Fullerton struck a 2 inch plastic gas main which resulted in a gas release. G20180408-2522    
1/24/2017 1/14/2020 SoCalGas 49 CFR §192.614, CGC 4216.3 A third-party contractor struck a plastic gas stub which resulted in a gas release. G20170124-2151    
7/29/2018 1/14/2020 SoCalGas 49 CFR §192.122, GO 112-F SoCalGas received odor complaints and investigated the area of concern. G20180730-2625    
9/5/2017 1/14/2020 SoCalGas 49 CFR §192.195, 192.201 A SoCalGas technician was inspecting a regulator station and noticed missing sensing lines which resulted in over-pressurization. G20170926-2364    
1/8/2019 1/14/2020 SoCalGas 49 CFR §192.122, GO 112-F SoCalGas received odor complaints and investigated the area of concern. G20190109-2746    
3/14/2019 1/14/2020 SoCalGas 49 CFR §192.605, CGC 4216.4 A third-party contractor struck a 3/4 inch steel line which resulted in a release of gas. G20190314-2772    
9/28/2017 1/14/2020 PG&E 49 CFR §192.605 An MAOP exceedance event occurred during maintenance activities. G20171004-2369 G20171004-2369_PGE G20171004-2369_SED
2/16/2018 1/14/2020 PG&E 49 CFR §192.605 A third-party contractor struck a 1 inch plastic service. G20180216-2497 G20180216-2497_PGE G20180216-2497_SED
10/16/2017 1/14/2020 PG&E 49 CFR §192.605 PG&E identified an overpressure event on a Distribution Feeder Main. G20171016-2387 G20171016-2387_PGE G20180216-2497_SED