About the CPUC Energy Division

Description of Energy Division

The CPUC's Energy Division develops and administers energy policy and program to serve the public interest, advise the Commission, and ensure compliance with the Commission decisions and statutory mandates. The Energy Division provides objective and expert analyses that promote reliable, safe and environmentally sound energy services at lowest reasonable rates for the people of California.

The Energy Division provides technical support to the Commissioners and their offices, and the Administrative Law Judges. The Energy Division drafts resolutions for formal consideration by the Commission. Resolutions generally result from informal utility requests called Advice Letters, which are submitted by utilities to request rate and tariff adjustments.

The Energy Division through its Federal Policy and Ratemaking Section represents the Commission in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and court proceedings.

The Energy Division assists the Commission in its regulation of four types of Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs): Electric, Natural Gas, Steam and Petroleum Pipeline Companies. Commission-approved tariffs (official rates and terms of service) for these four types of IOUs are maintained by the Energy Division.

See the Energy Division Functional Organizational Chart and Energy Division's Personnel Organizational Chart

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Contact Us

Lead Staff

Leuwam Tesfai, Deputy Executive Director for Energy and Climate Policy

Office of Distributed Energy Resources, Natural Gas & Retail Energy Rates

Office of Electricity Supply, Planning and Cost


Office of Distributed Energy Resources, Natural Gas, and Retail Energy Rates 

Energy Efficiency Branch, Jeorge Tagnipes, jst@cpuc.ca.gov

  • Emerging Trends Section, Hal Kanehk1@cpuc.ca.gov
  • Procurement & Portfolio Management Section, Coby Rudolph, jao@cpuc.ca.gov
  • Evaluation Analytics Section, Vacant
  • Planning & Forecasting Section, Leanne Hoadley, LHY@cpuc.ca.gov

Building Decarbonization & Gas Policy Branch, Bruce Kaneshirobsk@cpuc.ca.gov

Electric Rates, Customer Generation & Demand Response Branch, Dan Buch, db1@cpuc.ca.gov

Distribution Planning Branch, Matthew Coldwell,mtc@cpuc.ca.gov


Office of Electricity Supply, Planning, and Costs

Electric Costs & Retail Choice Branch, Michele Kitomk1@cpuc.ca.gov 

  • Electric Costs and Accountability Section, Franz Chengfcc@cpuc.ca.gov
  • Electric General Rate Case Section, Jenny Au, jau@cpuc.ca.gov
  • Retail Choice Section, Dina Mackin, dm1@cpuc.ca.gov
  • Utility Costs and Compliance, Vacant

Electric Planning & Market Design Branch, Molly Sterkel, mts@cpuc.ca.gov

  • Integrated Resource Planning Section - Planning Track, Nathan Barcic, nb1@cpuc.ca.gov
  • Integrated Resource Planning Section - Program Compliance, Christine Root, cro@cpuc.ca.gov
  • Integrated Resource Planning Section - Transmission and Interconnection, Neil Raffan, neil.raffan@cpuc.ca.gov
  • Resource Adequacy and Procurement Oversight, Jaime Rose Gannon, jrg@cpuc.ca.gov
  • Energy Resource Modeling Section, Donald Brooksdbr@cpuc.ca.gov

CEQA and FERC Branch, Elaine Sison-Lebrillaes1@cpuc.ca.gov

Climate Initiatives, Renewables & Administration Branch, Judith Iklejci@cpuc.ca.gov