Decisions and Resolutions
- Decision 24-05-003 - This decision establishes a long-term program and creates a new pilot program for foster youth ages 13 through 20 years old within the California Universal Telephone Service Program. This decision also provides for a transition period to allow for the smooth transfer of foster youth pilot participants to the new program. This decision authorizes deviations from General Order 153 for the new foster youth pilot program.
- Decision 23-06-003 - This decision approves two pilot programs that leverage ACP funds to test new approaches to providing high-quality broadband service to California LifeLine participants until the sooner of (a) two years after the effective date of this decision, or (b) the date that ACP concludes.
- Decision 23-01-003 - This decision extends the California Universal Telephone Service Program foster youth pilot program to July 31, 2024, without increasing the total budget for the pilot. This decision provides the Commission’s Communications Division staff with more flexibility to approve foster youth pilot expenditures and adopts additional reporting requirements.
- Decision 22-05-014 - This decision addresses staff recommendations to improve the renewals process of the California LifeLine Program and adopts improvements to comply with Assembly Bill 74.
- Decision 21-09-023 - This decision (i) revises General Order 153 to reflect decisions and resolutions issued by the Commission since 2011, (ii) authorizes California LifeLine eligibility verifications through the review of qualifying program databases to streamline the renewals process, and (iii) establishes Specific Support Amounts and Minimum Service Standards for California LifeLine, including replacement of federal support for wireline participants, effective December 1, 2021.
- Decision 21-07-008 - This decision extends the iFoster, Inc. pilot program through January 2023 and directs T-Mobile to share anonymized data sets from the Boost Mobile, Inc. pilot program.
- Decision 20-10-006 - This decision (a) establishes specific support amounts and minimum service standards for the California Universal Telephone Service Program for December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021, and (b) authorizes the California Universal Telephone Service Program to replace $2.00 per month of reduced federal support for wireline participants from December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021.
- Decision 20-02-042 - This decision extends the authorization for the Program to replace the full amount of reduced federal support for California-Only Participants until the Commission issues a subsequent decision on this issue. This decision continues the suspension of GO 153, Section 8.6 requirements for California-Only Participants’ bills. This decision additionally authorizes the Commission’s staff to consider certain changes to application and renewal forms.
- Decision 20-02-004 - In 2016, the FCC reduced federal Lifeline support levels for service plans that do not meet its minimum broadband service standards beginning on December 1, 2019. This decision authorizes the California LifeLine Program to replace $2.00 per month of reduced federal support for wireline participants from December 1, 2019 through November 30, 2020.
- Decision 19-11-008 - This decision extends the authorization for the California LifeLine Fund to make up for the loss of federal support for participants who qualify only under California eligibility criteria until the earlier of the issuance of a final decision on this issue or February 28, 2020.
- Decision 18-12-019 - The Commission seeks to develop and test strategies to increase participation in the California LifeLine Program by underserved and unserved low-income households through pilot programs and government partnerships. In furtherance of these goals, this decision adopts criteria for government partnerships, a framework for pilot programs, and submission of pilot program proposals for the Commission’s consideration.
The Commission will review pilot program proposals in early 2019 and will authorize pilot programs that advance certain identified objectives and meet pilot program elements as set forth in this decision. Authorized pilot programs will provide data that will allow the Commission to evaluate the pilot programs. The Commission intends to share pilot program evaluations with stakeholders and parties to this proceeding.
- Decision 18-02-006 - This decision augments California-only Eligibility Criteria for the California LifeLine Program. This decision restores the income-based criterion, which requires a household income to be at or below 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Guideline for the corresponding household size. Also authorized the California LifeLine Program Fund to temporarily make up for loss of federal funds for participants who only qualify under California-only eligibility criteria but who do not meet federal Lifeline eligibility criteria.
- Decision 17-08-004 - This decision temporarily suspends portions of Decision 17-01-032 that revised LifeLine eligibility criteria for the California LifeLine until November 1, 2017. This does not suspend or alter the addition of the Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit Program as a qualifying program for LifeLine eligibility to California LifeLine. This decision ratifies the May 24, 2017 Assigned Commissioner’s Ruling and extends the statutory deadline of this proceeding to October 23, 2017.
- Decision 17-01-032 - We resolve questions regarding the status of discounts and reimbursements for service connection/activation non-recurring charges for California LifeLine wireless telephone services. Finally, we implement changes to California LifeLine required by Assembly Bill 2570 (Quirk) approved by the Governor on September 24, 2016.
- Decision 14-01-036 - The program revisions include extending the price cap on LifeLine wireline services and adopting specifications for LifeLine wireless services.
- Decision 10-11-033 - Adopting forward-looking modifications to California LifeLine Program in compliance with the Moore Universal Telephone Service Act effective November 19, 2010.
- Decision 08-08-029 - Adopting a Pre-Qualification Requirement for the California LifeLine Program and Resolving Remaining Phase 2 Issues effective July 1, 2009. Appendices
- Resolution T-17687 - This Resolution clarifies Decision (D.) 00-10-028 and the related provisions of GO 153, regarding the rules for carrier reimbursement of Universal LifeLine Telephone Service (ULTS) costs. We clarify that D.00-10-028 and GO 153 were intended to provide reimbursement to ULTS providers that provide Measured Rate Service on a per call basis, not a per minute basis. For ULTS providers offering Measured Rate Service, on a going forward basis we direct staff to calculate provider reimbursement on a per call basis
- Resolution T-17564 - In this Resolution, the CPUC modifies the California LifeLine rules in GO 153 to implement the service failure exception to the benefit portability (i.e., discount transfer) freeze that the CPUC adopted in Decision 17-01-032. This Resolution also describes the necessary components for educating consumers about the California LifeLine discount transfer freeze and the enrollment request freeze.
- Resolution T-17366 - The CPUC modifies a number of California LifeLine rules and procedures as set forth in GO 153 in order to comply with the recently-adopted FCC Lifeline Reform Order.
- Resolution T-17337 - Sets the Specific Support Amount Subsidy for the California LifeLine Program at $11.50 effective January 1, 2012.
- Resolution T-17321 - Revises General Order 153 effective December 1, 2011.
- Resolution T-17202 - Revises General Order 153 to reflect administrative revisions to the California LifeLine Program effective July 1, 2011.
- Resolution T-16086 - All Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, Facilities-Based Competitive Local Carriers, and Facilities-Based Broadband Commercial Mobile Radio Service Carriers to establish procedures and guidelines for designating Eligible Telecommunications Carriers pursuant to the Federal Communications Commission’s report and order (FCC 97-157) in the matter of federal-state joint board on Universal Service (CC Docket No.96-45).