Demand Response Evaluation and Research
- April 2, 2017: Final "Research Plan for the Demand Response Auction Mechanism (DRAM) I, II & III Pilots." D.16-09-056. The Commission authorized staff to conduct an independent analysis of the 2015 and 2016 DRAM pilot auctions emphasizing six specific criteria that shall serve as the ojectives that the DRAM must meet in order to expand its role in the resource adequacy market. The study will be completed and Commission staff will present a Resolution on findings and recommendations by June, 2018.
The criteria are:- Were new, viable third-party providers engaged?
- Were new customers engaged?
- Were bid prices competitive?
- Were offer prices competitive in the wholesale markets?
- Did demand response providers aggregate the capacity they contracted, or replace it with demand response from another source in a timely manner?
- Were resources reliable when dispatched, i.e., did customers perform appropriately?
- March 1, 2017 Final Report on Phase 2 Results: 2025 California Demand Response Potential Study, provided by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This report provides final findings on two existing DR products (load shaping, and load shedding) and two products designed to meet future grid needs (a bi-directional load shifting product, and a fast, bi-directional ancillary services product.) The report provides levelized cost and demand curves.
- Final Report
- Appendix
- Addendum on potential in SubLap
- SubLap Data Set
- April 4, 2017 Workshop presentation
- November 14, 2016: Draft Phase II report of the 2015 Demand Response Potential Study, provided by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This report provides draft findings for two existing DR products (shape and shed) and two products designed to meet future grid needs (shift and shimmy). The report provides levelized cost supply and demand curves for these products for 2020 and 2025.
- Draft Phase II Report
- Appendix
- Nov 30, 2016 Workshop presentation
- Phase II Model & Data (Note: this is too large for a personal computer; requires special hardware)
- August 19, 2016: Updated findings of the April 1, 2016 Interim Report of the Demand Response Potential Study for capacity products and load modifying demand response. (Load modifying DR potential is expected to change between this update and the final report on October 1, 2016.)
- PowerPoint with updated potential findings for 2020 and 2025
- Memo on updates to the model and model inputs since the April 1, 2016 report.
- Data from the updated potential findings, and pivot table viewer tool
- Phase I updated model: Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) have released a public version of the DR Futures model they used to produce the updated findings, with accompanying input files, simulation code, output files, a user manual and other resources. They are available at:
- The September 8, 2016 LBNL researchers will be available in an unstructured webinar for questions on how to use the model and data (contact Jean Lammings at for more information on the webinar
- For background and context on these updated findings see full report posted at bottom
- June 15, 2016: Note from Energy Division on Phase 1 Modeling Error and Correction: Please see memo at the bottom for explanation of the slight change in potential study findings. The updated finding are reflected in the "Supplementary Public Data" linked below, but not in the Phase I report of April 1, 2016.
- April 1, 2016: Demand Response Potential Study, Phase 1 (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories).