The local capacity tool is a model being developed to run in parallel with RESOLVE, the capacity expansion model used by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). On a statewide level, RESOLVE forecasts, by year, the amount (in gigawatts) and resource types of electric generation capacity needed to meet goals for system reliability and emissions reduction at the lowest cost to ratepayers. While RESOLVE is a statewide model, the local capacity tool could allow for analysis of the lowest-cost resources needed within specified local areas. IRP staff are currently assessing the scope and capabilities of the local capacity tool, how to integrate the tool into the IRP modeling effort, and what roles it should serve within the broader IRP processes.

Workshop – 03/26/2025 - Overview of the Local Capacity Tool

Objectives: To introduce and provide an overview of the proposed local capacity tool and to solicit stakeholder feedback and input on it.