Long-Term Procurement Plan (LTPP) History and Related Process Documentation
The materials below provide a recent history of LTPP related staff documents, decisions, rulings, and stakeholder materials.
Infrastructure planning in California is split among the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), California Energy Commission (CEC), and California Independent System Operator (CAISO). These agencies collaborate to ensure that planning activities use common assumptions and are periodically updated. Details about this collaboration and the related processes are below:
"Padilla Letter" Interagency Coordination on Demand Forecast Assumptions in Procurement and Transmission Planning
On February 25, 2013, the CPUC, CEC and CAISO wrote a joint letter to Senators Padilla and Fuller, committing to a process whereby (a) the agencies coordinate on preferred resources assumptions in the CEC's demand forecast (e.g., energy efficiency, demand response, etc.) and (b) agency leadership jointly recommends a single forecast set for use in procurement and transmission planning processes. An interagency team of senior management representatives (the joint agency steering committee or JASC) has been implementing this process since 2013.
- February 25, 2013 joint agency letter to Senators Padilla and Fuller of the Senate Energy and, Utilities and Commerce Committee.
- January 31, 2014 joint agency update letter to Senators Padilla and Fuller
- CEC resolution adopting 2013 Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR) and single forecast set recommendation
- CEC resolution adopting 2015 IEPR and single forecast set recommendation
Long Term Procurment Planning, 2016
- Evaluating Need
- Long-Term Procurement Plan Background
- More Information on Authorizing Procurement
- Grid Integration White Paper, November 2015
- Joint Reliability Plan Track 1 Staff Report on Multi-year Resource Adequacy, October 2014
- LTPP and Bulk Storage Workshop Slides, November 2015
- LTPP Modeling Methodology Proposal Workshop Slides, August 2015
- SACCWIS Report, 2016 and Other SACCWIS Reports
Past LTPP Proceedings
For access to the complete record of all documents, rulings and decisions related to past proceedings open each proceeding’s docket card.
2020 LTPP - R2005003
2016 LTPP - R1602007
2014 LTPP - R1312010
2012 LTPP - R1203014
2010 LTPP - R1005006
2008 LTPP - R0802007
2006 LTPP - R0602013
2004 LTPP - R0404003
Key Rulings and Decisions for 2014 LTPP (R.13-12-010)
October, 2015: Minor Updates to Planning Assumptions and Scenarios for 2014 LTPP and CAISO's 2015-16 Transmission Planning Process Scenario Tool 2014 in Excel v5 (October 15, 2015)
Scenario Tool 2014 in Excel v5
March 4, 2015: Assigned Commissioner's Ruling (ACR) on Updates to Planning Assumptions and Scenarios for 2014 LTPP and CAISO's 2015-16 Transmission Planning Process
Ruling Text (Mar 4, 2015)
Ruling Text Attachment showing incremental changes to the Dec 23, 2014 ALJ Ruling Attachment
Scenario Tool 2014 in Excel v4 (Mar 4, 2015)
December 23, 2014: Administrative Law Judge’s Ruling on Assumptions and Scenarios for 2015-2016 Proceedings
Ruling Text (Dec 23, 2014)
Scenario Tool 2014 in Excel v3 (Dec 29, 2014)
May 14, 2014: CPUC Assigned Commissioner's Ruling (ACR) on Technical Updates to Planning Assumptions and Scenarios
ACR on Technical Updates to Planning Assumptions (May 14, 2014)
Scenario Tool 2014 in Excel v2 (May 14, 2014)
Summary Load and Resource Scenarios in Excel v2 (May 14, 2014)
March 18, 2014: Files related to February 27, 2014 CPUC Assigned Commissioner's Ruling (ACR) on Planning Assumptions, Scenarios, and RPS Portfolio
Assigned Commissioners' Ruling on Assumptions, Scenarios, and Renewable Portfolio Standard (Feb 27, 2014)
Scenario Tool 2014 in Excel v1c (Mar 18, 2014)
Summary Load and Resource Scenarios in Excel v1c (Mar 18, 2014)
Amended Attachment to 2-27-14 ACR (Mar 18, 2014)
December 30, 2013: Original Order Instituting Rulemaking to open the Proceeding
Ordering Instituting Rulemaking (Dec 30, 2013)
Assumptions and Scenarios (Dec 19, 2013)
Key Rulings and Decisions for 2012 LTPP (R.12-03-014)
The 2012 LTPP was divided into four tracks.
Track 1 (D.13-02-053) authorized procurement for reliability in two transmission constrained zones of Southern California: the Western LA Basin and Venture-Big Creek local reliability areas. The decision authorized 1400-1800 MW capacity in the West Los Angeles subarea, including 1000-1200 MW of conventional gas-fired resources, 50 MW of energy storage, and 150-600 MW of preferred resources.
Track 2 was scoped to address issues of systems reliability and operational flexibility. A Commission decision closed this track, deferring the issues to the 2014 LTPP.
Track 3 (D.14-02-040) established new long-term procurement planning rules.
Track 4, which was scoped into the proceeding on May 16th, 2013, sought to address issues of reliability in Southern California following the closure of the San Onofre Nuclear generation Station (SONGS). The Track 4 decision (D.14-03-004) was authorized an additional 500 to 800 MAW of procurement in SDG&E territory and 500 to 700 MW in SCE territory by the year 2024. Details of this authorization, including the breakdown by different resource types can be found in the ordering paragraphs of that decision.
March 14th, 2014: Decision on Track 4 Authorizing Long-Term Procurement for Local Capacity Requirements following the closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Facility (SONGS).
February 27th, 2014: Decision on Track 3 modifying Long-Term Procurement Rules.
September 16th, 2013: Ruling on Cancelling Track 2 of the proceeding and modifying the schedule for Track 4.
February 13th, 2013: Track 1 Ruling Authorizing Long-Term Procurement for Local Capacity Requirements in SCE Territory.
May 21st, 2013: Revised Scoping Memo, scoping in Track 4 to assess Long-Term Procurement Need for Local Capacity following the closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)
May 16, 2012: Scoping Memo