Program Overview

The Tribal Technical Assistance (TTA) program originally adopted by D.20-08-005 and modified by D.24-03-041, provides grants to California Tribes and Tribal Consortia to pursue improved voice and broadband communications.  Grants are available for, but not limited to, market studies, feasibility studies, business plans, grant writing, consultant services, TTA specific tribal staff hours and administrative costs.

TTA is a California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) program specifically addressing Tribal broadband communication needs.  To advance the CASF goal of increasing broadband access pursuant to Pub. Util. Code section 281, subdivision (b)(1)(A), the Commission made available technical assistance grants to support Tribal broadband needs and to increase access.

The California Public Utilities Commission (Commission) Communications Division (CD) staff can approve grant applications up to $250,000 per fiscal year for technical assistance work products on reservations, trust lands, and surrounding areas.

The Commission’s March 7, 2024, Decision and TTA Requirements and Guidelines are available at the following links: Decision (D.) 24-03-041 and Attachment 2 – TTA Requirements and Guidelines.

A summary of the modifications to the TTA program can be found at the following link: 
Summary of TTA Changes.

Awarded TTA grants.

Funding Eligibility and Amount Available for Grants

The goal of the Tribal Technical Assistance program is to make grants available to assist California Tribes with:

  • Costs incurred in the preparation of environmental, feasibility, and engineering design studies or reports in the development of needs assessments, market studies, broadband strategic plans, or business plans by or for tribes in their pursuit of the provision of communications service to unserved communities.  
  • Costs incurred for broadband deployment-related grant writing for the purpose of the provision of broadband service to unserved communities.
  • Consultant services secured to complete reimbursable work product(s).  
  • Tribal staff hours dedicated to reimbursable activities are eligible for reimbursement, provided that such work is incremental to a Tribe’s pre-grant award scope of activities.
  • Separately, up to 15 percent of the total requested for reimbursement may be used to reimburse the Tribe for administrative costs associated with securing or completing the reimbursable work product(s).
The activities listed above are not the entirety of activities eligible for technical assistance.
Tribal Technical Assistance grants shall not exceed $250,000 per Tribe, per fiscal year.


California Tribes with or without federal recognition that demonstrate Tribal leadership support and Tribal Consortia are eligible for Tribal Technical Assistance grants. 

Grant Cycles

Applications may be submitted at any time. However, CD will consider applications submitted on or before each deadline listed below as a batch on a quarterly basis for processing.

  • October 1
  • January 1
  • April 1
  • July 1 

Deadlines that fall on a holiday or a weekend will be extended to the following business day.

Application and Reimbursement Overview

The documents below provide an overview of the TTA program, application and payment process, and guidance. 

Application Form 

TTA Applicants must complete the TTA application form and affidavit in order to apply.

Grant Acceptance Forms

Applicants must complete the consent form and payee data record form.

Payment Request Process

Upon completion of work and before payment, a Tribe or Tribal Consortia must submit:

  1. Project Completion and Payment Reimbursement Form (CPUC Form)
  2. A report, plan or study, etc., for each work product must address all actions outlined in the scope of work for the relevant work product submitted in the TTA application.
  3. Contract (signed and dated by both parties)
  4. Invoices must support the payment amount requested showing expenditures incurred for the technical assistance along with documents detailed in Section 9 Reporting of the TTA Guidelines, including justification for time and deliverables.  

Electronic Claims and Application Portal (eCAP)

Grantees must use the Electronic Claims and Applications Portal (eCAP) to submit payment requests for their CASF grants. Grantees should no longer submit payment requests to the TTA public email. The eCAP is available at

The initial TTA program rules in can be found at the following link: Decision (D.) 20-08-005.

Contact Information

General questions about the CASF Tribal Technical Assistance Grant program can be directed to