California has led the nation in energy efficiency programs since the 1970s. Due to the state’s efficiency programs, per capita energy use has remained flat, while the rest of the US has increased by about 33 percent. More information on the impacts of current Energy Efficiency Programs can be found here.

The CPUC regulates investor-owned utility (IOU) ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs. The CPUC works with the IOUs, other portfolio administrators, and vendors to develop programs and measures to transform technology markets within California using ratepayer funds.

Proceeding Information

Key Data and Reports:

Energy Efficiency Resources:

Information for Consumers

If you are looking for EE Programs for your home, business or property, please see the webpage of the EE Program Administrators that serve your area:

 If you have been contacted by a CPUC evaluation contractor and wish to verify that the request is legitimate, click to access current active surveys.

Archive Energy Efficiency page - click here