California Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program

BEAD Prequalification Application Materials
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is pleased to announce the public release of the BEAD Prequalification Application Guide v1, BEAD Application Process Checklist v2, and some of the BEAD Prequalification Templates as listed. These materials are available for download on the BEAD Resources webpage under BEAD Subgrantee Selection Process section. These prequalification application materials are released to help applicants prepare for submission through the Application Portal. All materials must be submitted via the Application Portal. Application materials will be released shortly.
Overview of Prequalification and Application Materials
Prequalification Application Guide v1 - Provides applicants with instructions for California’s Prequalification Application for the BEAD Program. The Prequalification Application Guide v1 evaluates financial, managerial, and technical qualifications, as well as experience and capacity. Passing prequalification is a prerequisite to have any future project applications evaluated.
Note: This BEAD Prequalification Application Guide will be updated with additional guidance and screenshots before the application materials are fully released to applicants. While the appearance, order, style, and portal features of the questions may change between guide versions, the application requirements are not expected to change substantially.
BEAD Application Process Checklist v2 - Helps applicants track and complete key preparation steps for their applications. This checklist highlights materials that may require more time to gather.
Note: This is not a comprehensive list – additional information will be required when completing the Prequalification Application and Project Application.
BEAD Prequalification Application’s Templates – Applicants must use these templates to submit their prequalification materials into the portal. Applicants should reference the Prequalification Application Guide for more information.
3.3 Past Performance and Experience Template
3.3A Other Public Funding Template
3.3B Service Pricing in Non-Grant Funded Areas Template
4.6 Ownership Information Template
Next Steps for Applicants
Applicants are encouraged to use these materials to prepare in advance of the Subgrantee Prequalification Period and Grant Application Window.
These Prequalification Application materials are released to help applicants prepare for submission, which must happen via the Application Portal when it opens later this month. Do not submit any materials until the Application Portal is open.
Project Application materials. The focus will be on the proposed network, budget, deployment schedule, and other project-related aspects.
Registration for Applicants
Applicants must register for an Application Portal account and be approved by the CPUC before submitting the Prequalification materials or beginning a Project Application. Tribes, municipalities, counties, electric utilities, nonprofit and for-profit private entities interested in applying for BEAD can now register for an account in the Portal – it takes less than 2 minutes to complete.
After your organization's eligibility has been confirmed, you will be granted credentials to the platform and will be able to add members to your organization. Registration will remain open through the conclusion of the Grant Application Window.
Register for the BEAD Portal here. Once your registration has been processed, you will be sent a link to login.
Note: If you or your organization previously registered to participate in the Challenge Process, you do not need to register again. You can use your existing account and password. Only primary organization account holders can add members to their organization.
For technical issues related to registration, login, or account administration, please contact the support team by email at
BEAD Training and Technical Support
In the coming weeks, the CPUC will release technical assistance videos and slides to assist applicants in navigating the application materials. Office Hours are also scheduled to resume on Thursday, March 20, 2025. Applicants are encouraged to bring their questions during the Office Hours sessions. Visit the BEAD Events webpage to register and view the latest schedule.
For questions regarding Application materials or general inquiries about the Subgrantee Selection Process, please email
Post-Challenge Process BEAD Map
The California Public Utilities Commission is pleased to announce the publication of the Post-Challenge Process map for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Subgrantee Selection Process.
This interactive map represents the results of California’s BEAD Challenge Process submitted in December 2024 to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and approved in January 2025. It identifies all BEAD-eligible Broadband Serviceable Locations (BSLs) in the state by FCC Location ID, incorporating adjudicated challenge determinations and enforceable commitments from internet service providers. This map is the result of a transparent, evidence-based, fair, and expeditious challenge process related to the eligibility of grant funds for specific locations as served, unserved, underserved, or Eligible Community Anchor Institution.
The BEAD Map is an essential tool to enable California’s goals of expanding affordable, reliable, high-speed internet access across California and serves as a key resource for potential applicants to identify and evaluate project planning areas. However, it is important to note that:
This map does not represent the final set of qualifying broadband for state and federal enforceable commitments. These will continue to be updated until the Subgrantee Selection Process begins.
State enforcement commitments, such as awards from the Federal Funding Account and other state programs, are reflected as of September 26, 2024.
Federal enforceable commitments, such the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program, are reflected as of October 1, 2024.
The map shows pre-Challenge and final adjudication status for challenged BSLs.
Applicants may use the map and accompanying datasets to inform their project planning but should anticipate potential updates prior to the start of the Subgrantee Selection Process.
This map displays NTIA-approved post-Challenge Process results submitted in December 2024. The map is subject to revision prior to the opening of subgrantee selection to capture state and federal enforceable commitments or per NTIA reconciliation guidelines.
View the map here.
Post-Challenge Process Data Download
Applicants can access updated datasets in the Data Download section. These files show the post-Challenge Process classification (unserved, underserved, served, and community anchor institutions (CAIs)*) of each Broadband Serviceable Location (BSL) in California by FCC Location ID. The files reflect the results of the Challenge Process, pre-challenge modifications, and deduplication of state and federal enforceable commitments. Applicants will be able to download BSL and map data, as well as Location IDs and a PDF of their application, through the BEAD application portal when it launches. Applicants are encouraged to use a combination of the datasets and final map to conceptualize project planning areas.
Download the files here.
*The BEAD Challenge Process allowed for adding CAIs that were not previously identified as BSLs.
Map and Data Vintage
As of February 7, 2025, the Post-Challenge BEAD Map reflects the following:
Fabric Version: 4
Fabric Date: December 31, 2023
National Broadband Map Availability: May 14, 2024
Federal Deduplication Version Date: October 1, 2024
State Deduplication Date: September 26, 2024
View the CPUC Post-Challenge Process BEAD Map Data Dictionary here.
CPUC BEAD Subgrantee Selection Process Timeline
The California Public Utilities Commission is pleased to announce the provisional timeline for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Subgrantee Selection Process. This timeline outlines key milestones in California’s efforts to ensure universal access to affordable, high-quality internet for all Californians. It includes critical stages such as publishing the NTIA-approved map of Broadband Serviceable Locations, opening the Subgrantee Prequalification and Grant Application periods, conducting a fair and transparent Subgrantee Selection Process, and preparing the Final Proposal for submission to the NTIA, which must be submitted by October 2, 2025.
Subgrantees are encouraged to use the timeline to prepare their prequalification and application materials in advance of the Grant Application period.
The CPUC’s BEAD Resources webpage has an initial application checklist to help applicants prepare for Prequalification and Application phases, specifically noting items that may take longer to obtain or prepare.
This provisional schedule is designed to meet NTIA-mandated deadlines for California and is subject to revision. Please plan accordingly and check back for updates to this schedule.
California's BEAD INitial ProposaL Approved, Unlocking $1.8 Billion in Last-mile Funding
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) approved California’s proposed subgrantee selection rules contained in the CPUC’s Initial Proposal Volume 2, unlocking over $1.86 billion in Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program funds.
At NTIA’s October 4, 2024, press conference, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator Alan Davidson noted that “California can move their Internet for All efforts from planning to action.” Assistant Secretary Davidson congratulated the CPUC for developing a strong proposal outlining how California will connect all residents to high-speed Internet service.
D2409050 (R2302016) Decision Approving Volume Two of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program Rules
D2409050 (R2302016) Attachment A - Initial Proposal Volume II
California's Bead Challenge Process is Live!
The BEAD Challenge Phase is live in the BEAD Challenge Portal as of July 8, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. PST and will end on August 6, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. PST. During this 30-day window, permissible challengers (units of local and Tribal governments, nonprofits, and broadband service providers) will be able to challenge the existing BEAD Challenge Process map by submitting evidence through the Portal when specific locations may not be accurately represented as unserved, underserve, or served. At the end of the Challenge Process (subject to NTIA approval), a final map of locations eligible for BEAD funding will be published. When you log in, you will see “Challenge Submission” in the upper right corner to indicate that the Challenge Phase is open and challenges are being accepted.
Individuals may also submit evidence using the BEAD Consumer Challenge Website and this will be made available for permissible challengers to submit on their behalf through the Portal. page.
NTIA and CPUC Adopt Initial Proposal Volume 1
On April 4, 2024, the NTIA approved with modifications, the CPUC’s Initial Proposal Volume 1. On May 9, the Commission voted 4-0 to adopt Initial Proposal Volume 1 as approved by the NTIA:
D2405029 (R2302016) Decision Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program_V1:
R2302016 Appendix D:
R2302016 Appendix B:
R2302016 Appendix C:
R2302016 Appendix E NTIA Approval:
The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program is being implemented in California by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Nationally, BEAD provides $42.45 billion to expand high-speed internet access by funding planning, infrastructure deployment and adoption programs in all 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. California has been allocated approximately $1.86 billion under BEAD based on the federal government's calculation of California's share of unserved locations nationally. The Governor designated the CPUC to serve as the recipient of and administering agent for the BEAD program for California, and designated the California Department of Technology (CDT) to serve as the recipient of and administering agent for the Digital Equity Plan. Here is how the BEAD and Digital Equity Programs are linked.
The CPUC submitted Volume I and Volume II of the BEAD Initial Proposal to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) by the December 27, 2023 NTIA deadline. These documents are not final and are subject to NTIA review which will be conducted for each state’s proposal through the first part of 2024. NTIA may request modifications to these documents in order ensure compliance with the requirements of the Notice of Funding Opportunity and recent NTIA program guidance. These volumes are not the final rules for the BEAD program. The CPUC will incorporate changes requested by NTIA into program rules that will be approved through a Proposed Decision (PD) in 2024. Consistent with the CPUC’s deliberative public engagement process, the PD will be subject to a 30-day public comment period and the public will have an opportunity to address the Commission at a voting meeting before any action is taken.
BEAD Rulemaking Updates
The link to the BEAD Rulemaking (R.23-02-016) is here.
While BEAD is a federal funding program authorized by the Infrastructure, Investment, and Jobs Act (IIJA), signed into law by President Biden on November 15, 2021, in California the CPUC is required to gather public input in an open public proceeding to determine specifically how the BEAD funds will be offered to qualified “subgrantees.” The federal rules for BEAD give overall rules for the program, while the CPUC will set-up the schedule for the competitive process of selecting subgrantees, and specific requirements those subgrantees must follow, to build robust, high-quality, broadband networks. These new networks will be built in federally defined eligible areas that are “unserved” and “underserved” communities across the state. BEAD-funded subgrantees may also build to “Community Anchor Institutions” like schools and libraries, provided those locations also meet “unserved” eligibility standards and depending on availability of funding to serve unserved and underserved locations.
Within the BEAD federal rules, the CPUC will establish subgrantee rules, as mandated by the BEAD Program itself for required elements like workforce development and federal fair wages for those building the infrastructure. State defined affordability standards for the completed new broadband systems, and audit and risk assessment standards to protect against waste, fraud, and abuse as the networks are deployed are also required to be developed by the states under BEAD rules.
On February 23, 2023, the CPUC voted to open the official rulemaking which will establish the state rules for the California BEAD Program.
The CPUC issued an Assigned Commissioner’s Scoping Memo on July 14th, 2023, adopting the scope of issues to be decided in the proceeding and the schedule for resolving those issues.
On July 17th, 2023, the CPUC issued an additional ruling requesting comments on the content and structure of workshops in the proceeding. Comments were due July 21st, and reply comments were due July 28th.
The July 17th ruling also requested party comments on the draft Five-Year Action Plan, with opening comments due August 7th, and reply comments due August 11th. After careful consideration of all comments submitted by parties, the CPUC submitted a final Five-Year Action Plan to NTIA on August 27, 2023. All opening and reply comments submitted by parties were included as Appendix E and will be considered part of the proceeding record. More information on becoming a party to the proceeding is available from the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office.
On November 7, 2023, the CPUC released draft versions of Volume 1 and Volume 2 of its Initial Proposal. Formal opening comments by parties in the proceeding were due November 27th and reply comments were due December 7th. Interested non-parties were invited to submit comments to by December 7th. Comments may be viewed below under Opening Comments On Draft Initial Proposal and Reply Comments on Draft Initial Proposal.
CPUC Commissioners and staff look forward to hearing from you, as we move through this important proceeding.
Make Your Voice Heard
BEAD Rulemaking Public Comment
You can make your voice heard in the BEAD proceeding, and read the comments of others, on our online Docket Card comment section at
Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Regional-Local Workshops
The CPUC and CDT partnered with local-regional organizations and other state entities to host 17 Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Regional-Local Workshops throughout the state and 3 in-person Tribal Consultations in Northern, Central, and Southern California. At the events, attendees learned more about planning for these programs, provided feedback on how to make them effective for closing the digital divide, and connected with others who are passionate about digital equity in California. For more information, see the Broadband For All Factsheet in English and Spanish. For additional workshops in your area, visit
BEAD Rulemaking Technical Workshop
The CPUC hosted a Technical Workshop in the BEAD proceeding (Rulemaking 23-02-016) on October 26th, 2023. The all-day workshop was held in the California Energy Commission’s Art Rosenfeld Hearing Room, 1516 9th Street in Sacramento, California, 95814. The workshop included an overview of the BEAD program by a representative of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), presentations by CPUC staff on key policy issues to be addressed in the BEAD Initial Proposal, and panel discussions of selected topics in the proceeding featuring representatives of parties in the proceeding. The workshop may be viewed in its entirety here (transcript here), and the slides presented at the workshop are available here. Parties in the BEAD proceeding are invited to submit comments on the workshop as part of comments on the draft Initial Proposal, with opening comments due November 27th and reply comments due December 7th.
BEAD Public Participation Hearings
The CPUC hosted two virtual Public Participation Hearings on November 8, 2023. The Public Participation Hearings were an opportunity for the public to communicate directly with the Commission regarding the issues raised in this proceeding, including their lack of access to internet service that meets their needs. Communications providers were directed by ruling to assist with efforts to publicize these hearings, including notifying customers by email, text message, and on digital platforms. The two recorded Public Particpation Hearings may be viewed here and here, and a transcript of both is available here.
BEAD Listening Session
The CPUC hosted a community engagement listening session on November 28, 2023. The community engagement listening session was held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Carmel Room at the Junipero Serra State Office Building in 320 West Fourth Street in Los Angeles, California. The community engagement listening session provided an opportunity for the public to provide comments and ask questions pertaining to the BEAD proceeding. The community engagement listening session may be listened in its entirety here, and the slides presented are available here.
Communications Workers of America
Community Legal Services (Attachment)
Greenlining Institute/Oakland Undivided
Rural Counties Representatives of California
Small Business Utility Advocates
Small Local Exchange Carriers (LECs)
TURN and Center for Accessible Technology
CPUC BEAD Comments IBEW LU 1245
EducationSuperHighway (Volume 1, Volume 2)
Cities of Sacramento and Oakland
Wireless Infrastructure Association
Additional informal comments are here.
We're Hiring
The CPUC is currently hiring for multiple positions to help administer the BEAD program, and more positions will be posted soon. More information on applying for a position with the CPUC is available here. CPUC staff will be available to answer questions at multiple upcoming career fairs around California.
The CPUC is currently accepting applications for the following positions related to BEAD:
The following positions will be intermittently published on CalCareers in the spring/summer of 2024:
- Associate Governmental Program Analyst
- Public Utilities Regulatory Analyst I, II, III, IV, V
- Research Data Analyst II
- Senior Telecommunications Engineer
- Staff Services Manager I
- Staff Services Manager II
If you have additional questions about the CPUC’s hiring process, please email
- July 8, 2024: The BEAD Challenge Process went live in the BEAD Challenge Portal
- August 28, 2023: The CPUC submitted a final Five-Year Action Plan to NTIA, including all party opening and reply comments as Appendix E.
- July 17, 2023: The CPUC released a draft Five-Year Action Plan for comment. Opening comments were due August 7th, and reply comments were due August 11th.
- July 14, 2023: The CPUC issued an Assigned Commissioner’s Scoping Memo in the BEAD proceeding, R. 23-02-016. The Scoping Memo sought comment on five questions related to the content and structure of workshops in the proceeding. Opening comments were due July 21st, and reply comments were due July 28th.
- June 26, 2023: The NTIA announced BEAD allocations for all Eligible Entities using the most recent version of the FCC’s National Broadband Map as a guide. Specifically California was awarded $1,864,136,508.93 for BEAD.
- May 8, 2023: Reply comments on Order Institute Rulemaking 23-02-016 submitted by parties.
- May 5, 2023: The CPUC provided comments on the NTIA’s State Challenge Process Guidance, which can be viewed here.
- April 25, 2023: The NTIA released a BEAD Challenge Process Policy Notice providing additional guidance for designing and conducting a BEAD challenge process in compliance with the BEAD Notice Of Funding Opportunity. The NTIA also provided a model challenge process, which can be viewed here.
- April 17, 2023 – Opening Comments on Order Instituting Rulemaking submitted by parties.
- April 14 and 15, 2023 – First of 20 Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Regional-Local Workshops conducted in Merced and Fresno.
- March 15, 2023: Final Fabric challenges prior to determination of California’s allocation submitted to the FCC.
- February 23, 2023 – The CPUC approved an Order Instituting Rulemaking (OIR) to develop rules determining grant funding, eligibility, and compliance for BEAD funds distributed to California. More information on the Rulemaking is available here.
- January 13, 2023 – The CPUC submitted a timely bulk availability challenge to the FCC based on initial analysis and validation of availability data reported by the largest providers in California. The final version of the FCC map will be used to determine California’s allocation of BEAD funding. More information on the FCC map and challenge process is available here.
- January 11, 2023 – The CPUC submitted the CD-450 Application Form to NTIA and NIST to accept NTIA’s award of $5 million in Initial Planning Funds for the BEAD program. Funds will be used to create the 5-Year Action Plan and for related BEAD program planning activities consistent with the BEAD Initial Planning Budget.
- The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) notified CPUC via letter on March 1, 2023, that the remaining $2.68 million in Initial Planning Funds awarded to the CPUC have been authorized after CPUC provided clarification and additional information on budgeted activities.
- December 30, 2022 – The FCC released the second draft of the Fabric for the draft National Broadband Map, adding 16,024 additional California locations based on the CPUC’s bulk Fabric challenge submitted in November.
- December 7, 2022 – The CPUC received formal notice of being awarded $5 million in Initial Planning Funds.
- The 5-Year Action Plan is due 270 days after California received the Initial Planning Funds.
- November 18, 2022 – The FCC released the draft National Broadband Map, a location-by-location view of high-speed Internet availability.
- November 4, 2022 – The CPUC submitted a timely bulk Fabric challenge to the FCC’s draft National Broadband Map Fabric.
- September 12, 2022 – The FCC opened the first bulk Fabric challenge process for its draft National Broadband Map Fabric.
- August 12, 2022 – The CPUC submitted an application for BEAD Initial Planning Funds.
- July 1, 2022 – The Governor submitted a Letter of Intent to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for California to participate in the BEAD Program
- May 13, 2022 – The NTIA released a Notice of Funding Opportunity for the BEAD Program.
- The BEAD Initial Proposal is due to NTIA by the end of December 2023.
California Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program
Send questions to
Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Complaints
To submit waste, fraud, and abuse complaints please use the following resources below:
- Waste, fraud, and abuse complaints pertaining to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and distribution of BEAD funds should be made through the California State Auditor’s Whistleblower Hotline. Submit Complaint Here
- Waste, fraud, and abuse complaints pertaining to subgrantees and/or any private entities which are beneficiaries of BEAD funding should be made through the CPUC’s Whistleblower Hotline. Submit Complaint Here