Information for Telecommunications Applicants and Registrants in California
The Commission adopted processes and requirements to become a voice service provider in California. A voice service provider may secure Commission authority or approval to operate in California through one or more of the application and registration processes.
- For telephone corporations in California that provide full Facilities-Based/Limited-Facilities Based and/or Resold Competitive Local Exchange Services, Interexchange Services, and/or Fixed Interconnected VoIP Services.
- Review, complete and submit a CPCN Registration Package via CPUC e-file process
- CPCN Application Instructions
- CPCN Application Package must contain the following:
- CPCN Application Cover Page (sample)
- CPCN Application Form (Fillable)
- CPCN Application Attachment A (sample)
- CPCN Application Appendices (refers to CPCN Application Form and Instructions)
- Copy of CPCN Application Fee Check Payment
- CPCN Application Fee: Filing Fee Matrix. Note: Application Fees do not include fees related to CEQA Review.
- D.24-11-003 Appendix F: Acceptable Financial Instruments
- CPCN Application Instructions
- Additional References:
- D.24-11-003: Adopts Interconnected VoIP Regulatory Framework.
- D.20-08-011: Allowing and adopting condition for wireline competition in small local exchange carrier service territories.
- D.13-05-035: Revises the certification process for telephone corporations seeking or holding certificates of public convenience and necessity, and wireless carriers seeking or holding registration
- D.99-12-050: Filings docketed after January 1, 2000, facilities-based CLCs seeking CPCN authority shall make their filing in the form of a separate application and shall no longer be docketed as a petition in Investigation 95-04-044.
- D.99-02-038: Relieves competitive local carriers (CLCs) from the requirement to keep their books of account in conformance with the Uniform System of Accounts (USOA).
- D.97-09-115: Extends the coverage of the Commission's adopted rules for local exchange competition to include the service territories of Roseville Telephone Company and Citizens Telephone Company
- D.97-08-059: Addresses the additional retail services to be offered for resale to CLCs, restrictions on the resale of services and the extent of wholesale discounts to services subject to resale
- D.96-12-020: Adopts modifications in our administrative processing of facilities-based CLC filings to institute a quarterly schedule for the processing of filings for facilities-based CLC CPCNs
- D.96-04-052: Adopts rates for Interim Number Portability for facilities-based CLCs
- D.96-04-049: Adopts customer notification and education rules for Calling Party Number (CPN) passage by CLC
- D.96-03-020: Sets wholesale rates and establishes which services are available for resale. Deals with LEC pricing flexibility and rating areas
- D.96-02-072: Decision certificating 59 reseller CLCs. The decision also addresses additional rules and contains a complete set of interim rules (compiled from D. 95-07-054 and D.95-12-057). Decision requires CLC to use Pacific Bell or GTEC limitation of liability tariffs in its tariff
- D.95-12-057: Decision certificating the initial group of 31 facilities-based CLCs. This decision also includes additional information helpful in preparing an application for CLC authority
- D.95-12-056: A "must read" for all facilities-based applicants. The decision establishes rules for interconnection with LECs
- D.95-07-054: Adopts initial rules for CLCs in Appendices A and B. The decision and appendices contain Consumer Protection Rules and other information necessary to complete the application and tariffs
- Telephone corporations in California that do not have monopoly or market power specifically those offering non-facilities based and/or Resold Competitive Local Exchange Services, Interexchange Services, and/or Fixed Interconnected VoIP Services may file a 1013 application.
- Review, complete and submit a 1013 Registration Package via CPUC e-file process
- 1013 Registration Instructions
- 1013 Registration Package must contain the following:
- 1013 Registration Cover Page (sample)
- 1013 Registration Form (Fillable)
- 1013 Registration Attachment A (sample)
- 1013 Registration Appendices (refer to 1013 Registration Form and Instructions)
- Copy of 1013 Registration Fee Check Payment
- 1013 Registration Fee: Filing Fee Matrix.
- D2411003 Appendix F: Acceptable Financial Instruments
- 1013 Registration Instructions
- Important Note: If the applicant answered any question in the simplified registration form as anything other than an unqualified ’true’, the applicant must instead use the CPCN application process pursuant to Pub. Util. Code §1001.
Decision 97-06-107 identified on page 9 that “the objective [of the simplified registration process] is to allow applicants which have no history of questionable behavior, and which present noncontroversial applications to rely on a[n] expedited and inexpensive means of securing operating authority. Applicants which do not meet these standards, but which nevertheless may be suitable for being granted operating authority, will not be excluded from applying but will have to use the more extensive application process.”
- Additional References:
- D.24-11-003: Adopts Interconnected VoIP Regulatory Framework.
- D.14-11-004: Revised the instructions for the financial requirements established in D.10-09-017.
- D.11-09-026: Clarified that the performance bond required by PUC §1013 (f) could be used to facilitate the collection of taxes or fees both in addition to fines, penalties, or restitution.
- D.10-09-017: Revised the streamlined registration process for applicants seeking Commission authority to operate as Non-Dominant Interexchange Carrier Telephone Corporations (NDIECs) in California.
- D.97-06-107: Establishes a simplified registration process for non-dominant telecommunications carriers.
- For telephone corporations in California that provides Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS) also known as Wireless Service providers are required to comply with the Wireless ID Registration and obtain Communications Division approval to offer voice services in California.
- Review, complete and submit a CD Registration Package via email only to
- CD Registration Instructions
- CD Registration Package must contain the following:
- CD Registration Form– Wireless ID Registration (Fillable)
- CD Registration Attachment A (sample)
- CD Registration Appendices (refer to CD Registration Form and Instructions)
- Copy of CD Registration Fee Check Payment
- CD Registration Instructions
- CD Registration Fee: Filing Fee Matrix.
- Additional References:
- D.13-05-035: Revises the certification process for telephone corporations seeking or holding certificates of public convenience and necessity, and wireless carriers seeking or holding registration
- D.95-10-032: Establishes that the Commission does not regulate market entry and rates of CMRS providers
- D.94-10-031: Adopted a wireless registration process for all CMRS providers within California
- In compliance with FCC ruling: January 23, 2007: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announces Changes to the Universal Licensing System and FCC Form 603 (DA No. 07-157)
- Telephone corporations in California that only provide Nomadic Interconnected Voice Over Internet Protocol (nomadic-only) services are required to comply with the Nomadic Registration and obtain Communications Division approval to offer voice services in California.
- Review, complete and submit a CD Registration Package via email only to
- CD Registration Instructions
- CD Registration Package must contain the following:
- CD Registration Form– Nomadic Registration (Fillable)
- CD Registration Attachment A (sample)
- CD Registration Appendices (refer to CD Registration Form and Instructions)
- Copy of CD Registration Fee Check Payment
- CD Registration Instructions
- CD Registration Fee: Filing Fee Matrix.
- Additional References:
Interconnected VoIP Service Providers Seeking to Offer Voice Services in California
- Decision 24-11-003 (adopted on November 7, 2024) required all Interconnected VoIP providers to obtain an operating authority or registration from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to offer voice services in California.
- D. 24-11-003 Fact Sheet
- VoIP Frequently Asked Questions
- Migration FAQ (Opt-Out Option 1 only requires completion of the Sworn Affidavit attesting that Interconnected VoIP carriers qualifies for nomadic-only status to be submitted. No payment is required from existing Section 285 DVS carriers to opt-out.)
- General FAQ
- February 3, 2025 Notice to all Carriers Migrated from DVS to DVF or DVN Utility Type Regarding Filing Obligations
- R.22-08-008: Interconnected Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Carriers Rulemaking
Next Generation 9-1-1 Service Providers Seeking to Offer 9-1-1 Network Services in California
Steps to Filing Your Application or Registration
- Identify the type of service your carrier will provide and review the additional information and references.
- Prepare and complete your application or registration.
- Submit your application or registration along with the required documentations and fees.
Additional Information
It is important that all applicants and registrants are familiar with the processes and requirements to become a telecommunications service provider in California. Please review the following documents for your reference:
- Public Utilities Code - The Public Utilities Code is the law, which applicant must adhere to when conducting business as a utility in California. Applicant should familiarize itself with all the sections of the Code that apply to telecommunications companies.
- Rules of Practice and Procedure - The Rules of Practice and Procedure provide guidelines for submitting (i.e., filing) the application documents.
- General Order 96-B - General Order No. 96-B is particularly useful as reference material for draft tariffs, which must be submitted with the application.
Related Topics
Contact Information Update Request
Carrier Reporting Requirements
Voluntary Withdrawal/Cancellation of Operating Authority
Transfers of Ownership or Control
Eligible Telecom Carrier (ETC)
CD Citation Program for Service Providers
Telecommunications Carrier Types with Definition
Contact Us
Mail: CPUC Communications Division
Telco Licensing and Registration Oversight
505 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94102