Federal Funding Account Recommendations and Awards
Grant Awards and Proposed Awards Information
Federal Funding Account Awards and Recommendations by County
Awards Map and Interactive Dashboard
The Federal Funding Account Awards Map is now available to explore the CPUC’s latest Federal Funding Account awards and recommended projects. The map provides project information such as grantee/applicant, award amount, speeds offered, and approval status. Users may select different layers to learn about the communities being funded through the Federal Funding Account.
The Federal Funding Account Awards Dashboard | Tableau Public is a new tool for viewing cumulative awards and recommended projects. This interactive dashboard provides a map view, county and project filters, and corresponding summary data.
Awards and Proposed Awards News Releases
Below is a chronological list of Proposed Awards for Public Comment. Grants approved by Resolution or Ministerial Review will be added as they are awarded.
Resolution T-17874 (February 20, 2025): Approves five applications for grants for up to $9 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Tuolumne County.
Resolution T-17875 (January 30, 2025): Approves two applications for grants for up to $17 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Sonoma County.
Resolution T-17873 (January 30, 2025): Approves three applications for grants for up to $15 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Lake County.
Resolution T-17872 (January 30, 2025): Approves three applications for grants for up to $17 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Fresno County.
Resolution T-17871 (January 16, 2025): Approves one grant for up to $3 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Ventura County.
Resolution T-17870 (January 16, 2025): Approves two applications for grants for up to $25 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Kings County.
Resolution T-17869 (December 19, 2024): Approves two applications for grants for up to $25 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Mariposa, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne Counties.
Resolution T-17867 (December 19, 2024): Approves three applications for grants for up to $19 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Kern and Merced Counties.
Resolution T-17866 (December 19, 2024): Approves four applications for grants for up to $42 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Butte and Glenn Counties.
Resolution T-17865 (December 19, 2024): Approves three applications for grants for up to $102 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in San Diego and Tehama Counties.
Resolution T-17863 (December 19, 2024): Approves five applications for grants for up to $14 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Colusa, San Joaquin, and Shasta Counties.
Resolution T-17859 (December 19, 2024): Approves four applications for grants for up to $24 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Yolo and Yuba Counties.
Resolution T-17855 (November 7, 2024): Approves three grants for up to $96 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Los Angeles County.
Resolution T-17853 (November 7, 2024): Approves five grants for up to $61 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Amador and Solano Counties.
Resolution T-17852 (October 17, 2024): Approves seven applications for grants for up to $18 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in San Luis Obispo County.
Resolution T-17850 (October 17, 2024): Approves two applications for grants for up to $23 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Madera and Napa Counties.
Resolution T-17846 (September 26, 2024): Approves seven applications for grants for up to $69 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Del Norte, Humboldt, and Siskiyou Counties. | Press Release
Resolution T-17845 (September 26, 2024): Approves seven applications for grants for up to $103 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in El Dorado and Santa Clara Counties. | Press Release
Resolution T-17839 (September 12, 2024): Approves ten applications for grants for up to $91 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Marin, Mendocino, San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Sutter Counties. | Press Release
Resolution T-17835 (August 22, 2024): Approves eleven applications for grants for up to $142 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Mono, Nevada, Placer, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Mateo Counties. | Press Release
Resolution T-17833 (August 22, 2024): Approves ten applications for grants for up to $95 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Alpine, Modoc, Riverside, Santa Barbara, and Tulare Counties. | Press Release
Resolution T-17829 (July 11, 2024): Approves five applications for grants for up to $44 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Alameda, San Francisco, and Sierra Counties. | Press Release
Resolution T-17826 (July 11, 2024): Approves six applications for grants for up to $44 million from the Last Mile Federal Funding Account in Imperial, Lassen, and Plumas Counties. | Press Release
June 7, 2024 Federal Funding Account Ministerial Review Letter awards $16.7 million for three projects in Plumas County to Plumas-Sierra Telecom (PST): PST Portola-Delleker-Whitehawk for $6,018,607, PST Plumas Pines-Graeagle for $5,134,398, and PST Quincy Coax Conversion for $5,595,647. | Press Release
Awards and Recommendations Process
The Commission began a rolling process for issuing staff recommendations for Last Mile Federal Funding Account broadband grant program awards.
Broadband infrastructure funding staff recommendations will be issued for public comment as Draft Resolutions. Draft Resolutions will be batched and may contain multiple counties and multiple awards in each county. An application not recommended for award in an initial Resolution may be recommended for award in a later Resolution. In addition, some awards may qualify for ministerial approval, which means staff can award without a Commission vote. Ministerial awards and "Final Resolutions" adopted by the Commission will be published on this webpage. View Frequently Asked Questions about Federal Funding Account recommendations and awards.
Sign up for Federal Funding Account program updates here. Subscribe to the “CASF Distribution List” to receive official notice of proposed grant award Resolutions and the opportunity to submit public comment.
Public comments should be served to the “CASF Distribution List” the same day comments are submitted to CPUC staff. The list can be downloaded here.
The Federal Funding Account, administered by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), is a $2 billion grant program for last-mile broadband infrastructure projects to connect unserved Californians in accordance with Senate Bill 156 (Chapter 112, Statutes of 2021).