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We authorized two pilot programs for passengers' private pre-arranged transportation in test autonomous vehicles (AVs).

What are the insurance requirements to be licensed or registered with the CPUC? How can I obtain a list of carriers licensed or registered with the CPUC? How do I register as a private carrier of passengers?

Here you can look up Licensed Passenger Carriers, as well as view their active insurance and authority status.

If you have a complaint about a private “passenger carrier” such as a limousine, transportation network company (TNC), airport shuttle, or charter bus company, you can file a complaint.

This report contains information reflecting the month’s activity within Consumer Protection and Enforcement Division (CPED).

TNCs provide prearranged transportation services for compensation using an online-enabled application or platform (such as smartphone apps) to connect drivers using personal vehicles with passengers.

Investigating complaints of unsafe, unlicensed, and uninsured passenger carriers, and responds to complaints against licensed carriers concerning fitness, overcharging, discrimination, failure to provide service, or failure to respond to complaints.

Transportation Licensing and Analysis Branch (TLAB) helps ensure that passenger carriers, specifically various forms of pre-arranged transportation, operate safely in California while protecting the public and promoting fair competition through asses ...

Autonomous Vehicle Passenger Service Pilot Programs

The "Drivered AV Passenger Service" pilot program allows for the provision of passenger service in test AVs with a driver in the vehicle. Under this pilot program, a safety driver is available to assist with operations if needed. Read more about Autonomous Vehicle Passenger Service Pilot Programs.