Pipeline Citations
In December 2011, the CPUC passed Resolution ALJ-274, which permits CPUC staff to fine natural gas companies for violating state and federal natural gas safety rules. The citation process allows the CPUC to act expediently in matters where violations of state and federal rules are clear and unambiguous. Citations may arise out of an ongoing investigation into related matters or when a violation is brought to the CPUC’s attention directly.
Citations Issued
- January 10, 2025: $1,600,000 to PG&E for its failure to follow its own procedures for conducting drying pig operations.
- January 10, 2025: $100,000 to PG&E for its failure to follow its own procedures to maintain the safety of its employees and prevent worker injuries.
- June 24, 2022: $1,270,000 to PG&E for its failure to promptly correct problems with systems used to prevent corrosion in natural gas infrastructure.
- Citation
- Enclosure 1
- Enclosure 2:
- Enclosure 3
- Enclosure 4:
- Enclosure 5
- Press Release
- Citation
- Jul. 2, 2020: $300,000 to SoCalGas for three separate violations which resulted in a natural gas incident that occurred on July 15, 2019 in Murrieta, CA
- Jun. 16, 2020: $600,000 to PG&E for failure to properly identify utility service lines which resulted in a natural gas incident that occurred on March 10, 2018 in San Jose, Calif.
- Apr. 14, 2020: $900,000 to PG&E for failure to properly follow procedures that occurred on November 27, 2017 in San Francisco, Calif.
- Feb. 1, 2019: $3.3 million to Southern California Gas Company for failure to properly and timely investigate a gas incident that occurred on January 20, 2017, in Ontario, Calif.
- Dec. 12, 2018: $150,000 citation to SoCalGas for failure to properly report to the CPUC and the National Response Center the 11/24/18 gas incident that occurred in Oxnard
- Nov. 2, 2018: $50,000 citation to Alpine Natural Gas (ANG) for violation of leak survey interval requirements
- Oct. 15, 2018: Citations totaling $5.05 million to PG&E for violations of regulations resulting from two separate incidents in 2016 and 2017
- February 16, 2018: $100,000 Citation to PG&E for safety code violations
- June 1, 2017: $200,000 Citation to Southwest Gas for continuing violation since establishment of the Distribution Integrity Management Program (DIMP) Rule
- December 23, 2016: $5.45 million Citation to PG&E for safety code violations
- May 13, 2016: $2.25 million Citation to Southern California Gas Company for failing to take prompt remedial action to correct deficiencies found in its corrosion control of its natural gas pipeline system
- March 29, 2016: $200,000 Citation Issued to PG&E for Contractor Qualification Deficiencies
- March 20, 2015: $200,000 Citation to PG&E for Safety Code Violation
- Jan. 30, 2015: $150,000 Citation to PG&E for lack of written quality control and quality assurance procedures to guide its personnel during normal operation and maintenance activities
- Jan. 30, 2015: $50,000 Citation to PG&E for failure to set its pipeline relief valve within the allowable pressure limit
- Jan. 30, 2015: $100,000 Citation to West Coast Gas Company for three violations for failure to perform annual maintenance of a regulation station and other violations
- Read our press release on the Jan. 30th Citations
- Jan. 23, 2015: $430,000 Citation issued to PG&E for three violations
- Jan. 23, 2015: $100,000 Citation issued to PG&E for two violations
- Jan. 23, 2015: $50,000 Citation issued to Southern California Gas Company
- Enclosure 1
- Enclosure 2
- Enclosure 3
Read our press release on the Jan. 23rd Citations
- Nov. 20, 2014: $10.85 million Citation to PG&E for incident in Carmel-by-the-Sea
- Incident Report
- Nov. 20, 2014: PG&E’s Appeal of Citation
- October 3, 2014: Letter Sent to PG&E Re: Carmel
- October 3, 2014: Letter Sent to Carmel Re: PG&E
- September 8, 2014: Carmel PG&E Response Letter
- August 27, 2014: PG&E Carmel Supplemental Information Response
- March 3, 2014: PG&E Carmel Enhanced Work Procedures
- WITHDRAWN Dec. 5, 2013: Citation issued to PG&E for $375,000 for General Order 112-E violation
- Enclosure 1
- Enclosure 2
- Enclosure 3
- Enclosure 4
- Withdrawal Notice
- Nov. 18, 2013: Citation issued to PG&E for $50,000 for violations
- Nov. 5, 2013: $8.1 Million Citation issued to PG&E for Non-Standard Pipeline Testing
- Oct. 25, 2013: Citation issued to Southern California Gas Company for $150,000 for missing a leak survey on a distribution line
- Nov. 4, 2013: Southern California Gas Company Appeal of Citation
- Oct. 11, 2013: Citation issued to PG&E for $140,000 for General Order violation