Transportation Electrification Activities Pursuant to Senate Bill 350
SB 350 TE Programs
On September 27, 2018 the CPUC unanimously adopted D.18-09-034 authorizing the three small electric utilities in California (PacifiCorp, Bear Valley Electric Service, and Liberty Utilities) to spend up to $7.33 million on eight transportation electrification programs and test a new electric vehicle rate aimed at helping the state meet its goals to accelerate EV adoption, improve air quality, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The decision also sets aside $301,999 for evaluation of the approved projects, which will occur in conjunction with evaluation of the larger IOUs' SB 350 programs described below. A summary of the programs as authorized in the D.18-09-034 and their associated budgets is available here.
On May 31, 2018, the CPUC approved $738 million in transportation electrification projects for the state’s electric utilities. D.18-05-040 approves significant investments to support the electrification of the medium- and heavy-duty sectors in PG&E and SCE service territory and a residential charging station rebate program for SDG&E's customers. A summary of the approved programs and their budgets can be found here.
On January 11, 2018, the CPUC approved the first transportation electrification applications under SB 350 from the three large investor-owned utilities. The decision approves 15 projects with combined budgets of $42 million. These 'priority review' pilot projects were considered by the Commission on an expedited schedule. A summary of the approved programs and their budgets can be found here.
A summary table of the programs that have been approved under SB 350 to date is available here.
SDG&E filed an application for medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicle charging infrastructure on January 22, 2018:
- A.18-01-012: Application and Testimony
- Scoping Memo
Charge Ready 2 TE Reporting Requirements
For Charge Ready 2 Programs use:
SB 350 TE Reporting Requirements
D.18-01-024, D.18-05-040, and D.18-09-034 establish utility data collection and reporting requirements for the IOUs' SB 350 TE programs.
For Priority Review Programs use:
- SB 350 Data Template-Feb 2021.xlsx
- SB 350 PRP Final Report Template-May 2018.docx
- SB 350 PRP Final Report-Supplemental Appendix A (Large IOUs)-May 2018.docx
For Standard Review Programs use:
- SB 350 Data Template-Feb 2021.xlsx
- SB 350 SRP Annual Report Template-Mar 2021.docx
- SB 350 SRP Annual Report-Supplemental Appendix B (Large IOUs)-Mar 2021.docx
The CPUC hosted a workshop on May 9, 2019 to discuss current data collection and reporting efforts and potential strategies to improve the IOUs' TE program evaluation plans to ensure the ratepayer-funded investments are supporting the state's SB 350 goals. The agenda is available for download here, and presentations from and comments on the workshop are available below:
- CPUC: Metrics and Methodologies for Evaluating TE Programs - Carrie Sisto
- Energetics: SB 350 TE Program Process / IOU and Evaluator Perspective - Ziga Ivanic
- CARB: Emissions Modeling, ZEV Programs, & Data Collection - Joshua Cunningham and Yachun Chow
- CEC: Benchmarking the Costs of Infrastructure and Services - Noel Crisostomo
- Cadmus: Evaluation Methodologies from Other Practice Areas - Philip Kreycik
- EPRI: 2019 Electric Transportation - Dan Bowermaster
- UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy: Evaluation Processes for Energy Programs - Austin Brown
- UC Davis PH&EV Center: Data Collection and Evaluation - Gil Tal
- The Alliance for Transportation Electrification
- Joint Comments from East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice, Sierra Club, and Union of Concerned Scientists
- The Utility Consumers' Action Network (UCAN)
- The Utility Reform Network (TURN)
- California Public Advocates Office
- Joint Comments from the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Coalition of California Utility Employees, Greenlots, Siemens, eMotorWerks, EVBox Inc., the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Environmental Defense Fund, and Plug-In America
- San Diego Airport Parking
- Southern California Edison
- Pacific Gas and Electric
- Green Power Institute
Program Evaluations
California Transportation Electrification Priority Review Projects Final Evaluation (compressed)
California Transportation Electrification Priority Review Projects Final Evaluation
SB 350 Standard Review Programs-Annual Transportation Electrification Evaluation 2021
SB350 Standard Review Programs-Evaluation Presentation Year-1, August 23, 2022
SB350 Standard Review Programs Evaluation Presentation Year-2, August 18, 2023
SCE Charge Ready Light Duty Program Evaluation Report, June 28, 2024
- SB 350 Standard Review Projects and AB 1082/1083 Pilots Evaluation Report (Year 3), October 2024
- SB 350 Standard Review Projects and AB 1082/1083 Pilots Evaluation Presentation, September 20, 2024
Safety Reporting Requirements
The Safety and Enforcement Division has worked with the Energy Division to develop safety requirements checklists associated with the IOUs' SB 350 TE programs that provide guidelines to ensure the safety of utility workers, contractors, and program participants.
For D.18-01-024 and D.18-05-040, the large IOUs should follow the safety requirements checklist available at this link.
For D.18-09-034, the small IOUs should follow the safety requirements checklist available at this link.
The IOUs must file reports demonstrating their compliance with the safety checklist requirements as a minimum to ensuring the infrastructure installed through their programs is safe and meets all federal, state, and local standards.
Past Workshops and Events
February 27, 2018: Energy Division staff workshop on SB 350 transportation electrification reporting templates pursuant to D8-01-024.
December 4, 2017, 6 p.m.: Community meeting in Fresno to get input from the public on the transportation electrification plans of PG&E.
September 2017: The CPUC held three community meetings to get input from the public on the transportation electrification plans of SDG&E, Southern California Edison, and PG&E.
August 31, 2017: Pre-Hearing Conference on the transportation electrification applications of Bear Valley Electric, PacifiCorp, and Liberty Utilities
July 11, 2017: CPUC Workshop on the standard review projects in PG&E, SCE and SDG&E's Transportation Electrification applications
- Agenda
- Presentation
- Energy Division Staff Summary of the standard review proposals
- Recording of the WebEx
May 17, 2017: CPUC Workshop on on the priority review projects in PG&E, SCE and SDG&E's Transportation Electrification applications
- Agenda
- Presentation
- Recording
- Energy Division staff Discussion Document
February 8, 2017: CPUC workshop for PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E to each provide an overview of their transportation electrification applications:
April 29, 2016: CPUC workshop on the transportation electrification requirements established under SB 350.
- CPUC Energy Division
- CPUC Policy and Planning Division
- ICF and E3
- California Air Resources Board
- California Energy Commission Energy Assessments Division
- California Energy Commission Fuels and Transportation Division
- California Independent System Operator
- PG&E
Senate Bill 350
In October 2015, California adopted SB 350, the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015, which increased established a 2030 greenhouse gas reduction target, the state’s renewable energy requirement to 50 percent, mandates a doubling of energy efficiency, and requires the state to increase the efficiency of travel. Additional information about CPUC’s implementation of SB 350 is found here.
SB 350 orders the CPUC to direct the six investor-owned electric utilities in the state to file Applications for programs that “accelerate widespread transportation electrification.” These programs are required to reduce dependence on petroleum, increase the adoption of zero-emission vehicles, help meet air quality standards, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
CPUC Staff Contact: Audrey Neuman |