Citation Authority

On November 5, 2020, the CPUC passed Resolution M-4846, adopting the Commission Enforcement Policy, which permits CPUC staff to use existing enforcement tools and procedures. The Transportation Enforcement Branch issues citations for violations of the Public Utilities Code, General Orders, and state and federal laws. Citations may arise out of an ongoing investigation, via a consumer complaint, proactive safety inspection of records, or a field operation.

On July 1, 1992, the CPUC passed Resolution CE 2-92, which permits the increase in amounts of fines that the Transportation Enforcement Branch may impose under the citation forfeiture procedure. The maximum citation that can be imposed is $20,000, per CE 2-92. If the citation exceeds $20,000, staff may utilize the enforcement tools described in Resolution M-4846 to pursue a higher penalty based on Commission approval.

                                                                                                    2025 Citations Issued

Citation Number Date Served Case # Carrier Legal Name Probable Code Violation(s) Fine Amount Status
T.2025-01-001 01-08-25  CSE-333

Luxor Executive Car Service LLC

Operated after expiration; Operated without an airport authority; Failure to display TCP number  $6,000  Due 01-28-25
 T.2025-01-002  01-14-25  CSE-237  Dennis Gaela dba Diamond Van Transport  Operated during suspension  $2,000  Due 02-02-25
 T.2025-01-003  01-14-25  CSE-257  The Ants Express  Operated after revocation  $2,000  Due 02-03-25
T.2025-01-004  01-10-25  CSE-186  Alnagar LLC  Engaged two employee drivers who were not enrolled in the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employee Pull Notice (EPN); Engage two employee drivers without workers' compensation insurance  $4,000  Due 01-28-25
 T.2025-01-005  01-22-25  CSE-282  Astor Philip Birri
 Operated without authority; operated without airport authority
 $4,000  Due 02-12-25
 01-23-25  CSE-185  Five Star Adventures
Operated without Workers' Compensation Insurance; Operated during revoked authority, advertised as a charter-party carrier (TCP) while authority revoked; provided incomplete Waybills
 $4,000  Due 02-21-25
 T.2025-02-001  02-05-25  CSE-281  Saied Amin dba Samia Limo
 Operated after revocation; Operated without airport authority
 $4,000  Due 02-26-25
 T.2025-02-002  02-12-25  CSE-277  Safe Rides Limo LLC
Failure to produce records
 $2,000  Due 03-05-25
 T.2025-02-003  02-11-25  CSE-179
 Paul J. Fretheim
Operated after revocation
 $20,000  Due 03-04-25
 T.2025-02-004  02-11-25  CSE-213  Diamond Driver Guy LLC
 Operated as charter-party carrier without authority; Advertised as charter-party carrier without authority; Failed to enroll (6) drivers in EPN Program;  Engaged (6) drivers without worker's compensation insurance; Failed to include information on waybill
 $5,000  Due 03-03-25


Charts & Metrics

Consumer Protection Enforcement Division - Monthly Activity Reports

Safety Assurance