PSPS Post-Event Reports

PSPS Post-Event Report Template

A template prepared by the Commission’s Safety and Enforcement Division (SED) is to be used by electric investor-owned utilities when preparing and filing post-event and lessons learned reports following Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events. Utilities should rely on this template for future reporting.

Template PSPS Post Event Reports (as of October 2021)

PSPS Post-Event Reports

The reports in this section are submitted by the utility companies under Resolution ESRB-8, Ordering Paragraph 1 of California Public Utilities Commission Decision (D.) 19-05-042 (Phase 1), and Ordering Paragraph 1 of Decision (D.) 20-05-051 (Phase 2).

Reports are listed by the date of the PSPS event or anticipated PSPS event, not the date the report was submitted.

CPUC PSPS Event Rollup (October 2013 through August 2024)

2024 PSPS Post-Event Reports


July 20, 2024: PG&E PSPS Post-Event Report

July 5, 2024: PG&E PSPS Post-Event Report

July 2, 2024: PG&E PSPS Post-Event Report


August 8, 2024: SCE PSPS Post-Event Repot

July 26, 2024: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report

July 21, 2024: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report

June 14, 2024: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report


2023 PSPS Post-Event Reports


December 15, 2023: PG&E PSPS Post-Event Report

August 30, 2023: PG&E PSPS Post-Event Report

September 20, 2023: PG&E PSPS Post-Event Report

September 30, 2023: PG&E PSPS Post-Event Report

December 15, 2023: PG&E PSPS Post-Event Report


Consolidated Amended 2023 SCE PSPS Post-Event Reports 

December 8, 2023: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report

November 26, 2023: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report

November 20, 2023: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report

November 8, 2023: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report

October 29, 2023: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report

July 18, 2023: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report

July 11, 2023: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report

October 11, 2023: SCE PSPS Post-Event Report


October 29, 2023: SDG&E PSPS Post-Event Report


2022 PSPS Post-Event Reports

Liberty Utilities

October 21, 2022: Liberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric)'s Post-Event Report on the NV Energy Potential Public Safety Outage Management (PSOM) Event


October 22-24, 2022: PG&E PSPS Post Event Report


November 24, 2022: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

November 19, 2022: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

October 22, 2022: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

September 7-9, 2022: SCE Post Event Report

July 22-23, 2022: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

June 15, 2022: SCE PSPS Post Event Report


2021 PSPS Post-Event Reports


Oct. 14-16, 2021: PG&E PSPS Post Event Report

Oct. 11, 2021: PG&E PSPS Post Event Report

Sept 20-21, 2021: PG&E PSPS Post Event Report

Aug 17-19, 2021: PG&E PSPS Post Event Report

Jan 19, 2021: PG&E Post Event Report


Nov. 24, 2021: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

Nov. 21, 2021: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

Oct. 22, 2021: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

Oct. 16-18, 2021: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

Oct. 15, 2021: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

Oct. 11, 2021: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

Sept 30, 2021: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

June 14, 2021: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

April 12-13, 2021: SCE PSPS Post Event Report

Jan 12-21, 2021: SCE PSPS Post Event Report


Nov 24-26, 2021: SDG&E PSPS Post Event Report

Jan 14-16, 2021: SDGE PSPS Post Event Report


Aug 17, 2021: PacifiCorp PSPS Post Event Report


Sept 19, 2021: Liberty PSPS Post Event Report


ARCHIVED PSPS Post-Event Reports: 2017-2020


PSPS Post-Season Reports

PSPS Post-Season Report Templates (POSTSR)

Decision (D.) 21-06-034 required the Commission’s Safety and Enforcement Division (SED) develop a template for the electric investor-owned utilities (IOUs) to follow to report PSPS activities over the previous calendar year. The reports based on these templates are due to the Commission annually on March 1. 

The post-season report template is comprised of four (4) components:


POSTSR1 – a Word narrative report template

POSTSR2 – an Excel template for IOUs to describe customers de-energized by PSPS in terms of census tracts

POSTSR 2A: PSPS Data By Census Tract (Geospatial)

POSTSR 2B: PSPS Data By Census Tract (Non-Spatial)

POSTSR3 – an Excel template for IOUs to document costs associated with education and outreach surveys

POSTSR4 – an Excel template for IOUs to document complaints


POSTSR1 – a Word narrative report template

POSTSR2 – an Excel template for IOUs to describe customers de-energized by PSPS in terms of census tracts

POSTSR 2A: PSPS Data By Census Tract (Geospatial)

POSTSR 2B: PSPS Data By Census Tract (Non-Spatial)

POSTSR3 – an Excel template for IOUs to document costs associated with education and outreach surveys

POSTSR4 – an Excel template for IOUs to document complaints

2021 PSPS Post-Season Reports 

For PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, PacifiCorp, Liberty, and BVES

2022 PSPS Post-Season Reports 





Liberty: POSTSR1


2023 PSPS Post-Season Reports 





Liberty: POSTSR1


PSPS Post-Season Data Report Template (PSDR)

The CPUC Safety and Enforcement Division (SED) developed the Post-Season Data Report (PSDR) template for electric Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) to report data describing the performance of their implementation of public safety power shutoffs (PSPS) in each calendar year. The template is not required by D.21-06-034 and the template and reports based on it do not have to be filed and served on the service list nor are they subject to Party comments. The reports filed with SED will be made available on the public website, with the exception of any information protected as confidential.

2022 Template: PSDR - an Excel template for IOUs to report data describing public safety power shutoffs (PSPS) by event  Instructions  Due March 1, 2023.

2021 Template: PSDR - an Excel template for IOUs to report data describing public safety power shutoffs (PSPS) by event  Instructions  Due April 1, 2022.


2021 PSPS Post-Season Data Reports

2021 Post-Season Data Reports: PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, PacifiCorp

2022 PSPS Post-Season Data Reports

2022 Post-Season Data Report: SCE

2023 PSPS Post-Season Data Reports

2023 Post-Season Data Report: PG&E, SDG&E, SCE

These submissions have not been reviewed or evaluated by the CPUC.

PSPS Pre-Season Reports

Each IOU must file and serve its PSPS Pre-Season Report no later than July 1 of each year in Rulemaking (R.) 18-12-005 or its successor proceeding.

The Report must include the community resource center plan (A.1, A.3, and A.6), critical facilities plan (B.2), PSPS Exercise Reports (C.2), education and outreach-related surveys and accessibility efforts and associated costs (E.1, E.2 and E.3), and notification plan (I.3). The Pre-Season Report must also include:

  1. Description of lessons learned from past PSPS events, including feedback from impacted customers and stakeholders, and how the electric investor-owned utility has applied such lessons to its current and future efforts in preparation for the upcoming wildfire season.
  2. Identification of the circuits at greatest risk of de-energization during the upcoming wildfire season. The Report must include the number of times each circuit was de-energized during the prior four (4) calendar years, and describe all steps toward risk-reduction and de-energization mitigation for each circuit, including specific outreach and education efforts and efforts to identify and provide appropriate resiliency support to customers with access and functional needs on each circuit.
  3. Annual reports, as applicable, required by Ordering Paragraphs 8, 21, 27, 30, 33, 36, 38, 41, 46, 47, 51, and 57 of D.21-06-014.

PSPS Pre-Season Report Templates

Annual PSPS Pre-Season Report Template - instructions and template for completing the Pre-Season Report

PSPS Pre-Season Report Tables Template - Excel template for inclusion in the Pre-Season Report


PSPS Pre-Season Reports

2022 Pre-Season Reports: PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, PacifiCorp, Liberty Utilities, Bear Valley Electric Service 

2022 Pre-Season Report Tables: PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, PacifiCorp, Liberty Utilities, Bear Valley Electric Service

2023 Pre-Season Reports: PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, PacifiCorp, Liberty Utilities, Bear Valley Electric Service

2023 Pre-Season Report Tables: PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, PacifiCorp, Liberty Utilities, Bear Valley Electric Service

2024 Pre-Season Reports: PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, PacifiCorp, Liberty Utilities, Bear Valley Electric Service

2024 Pre-Season Report Tables: PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, PacifiCorp, Liberty UtilitiesBear Valley Electric Service

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